雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 自願醫保計劃. 自2019年4月1日起,《稅務條例》(第112 章)在薪俸稅及個人入息課稅方面,新設一項特惠稅務扣除。. 納稅人為其本人或指明親屬購買自願醫保計劃下的認可產品,可申請稅務扣除。. 近日有騙徒假冒自願醫保計劃辦事處發出欺詐釣魚短訊,誘使 ...

  2. 於對話視窗內以日常用語輸入你的查詢,例如:什麼是自願醫保計劃 / 怎樣申請扣稅 / 計保費...... 等。. 「自願e寶」會嘗試以互動形式提供相關的資料。. The Official Homepage of the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) - The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)

  3. 不過,如果您在 2022 年 1 月 1 日之前投保自願醫保計劃並已簽署申請表,而您新的自願醫保計劃保單已獲保險公司簽發,則保險公司有權拒絕使用標準核保問卷重新核保。. The Official Homepage of the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) - The Government of the Hong Kong Special ...

  4. 自願醫保計劃是醫務衞生局推行的一項政策措施,以規範保險公司的個人償款住院保險產品,而保險公司和消費者的參與均屬自願性質。 計劃簡介. 自願醫保計劃辦事處. 聯絡我們. 職位空缺. The Official Homepage of the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) - The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)

  5. Search Certified Plans. This search webpage is intended to serve as general reference for new application of Certified Plans, with a few steps: Step : Specify search criteria. Step : Read and accept the important notes, then click Search to search Certified Plans.

  6. 自願醫保計劃(自願醫保)現有認可產品 標準保費或保單資料頁更改通知 Notification of Standard Premium or Policy Schedule changes for an existing Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) Certified Plan Please tick as appropriate. Please read “Part Five ...

  7. 自願醫保計劃