雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1 Citi積分 = 1 The Point積分. 推廣期內每月累積將Citi積分兌換至The Point積分滿指定積分,可激享額外The Point積分5,6! 備註: The Point積分價值是根據The Point積分兌換率 (即每250 The Point積分 = HK$1元)計算。 相關兌換率會不時更改,而恕不另行通知,商戶將有全權決定權。 優惠名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。 與優惠相關之The Point積分將於推廣期內每個曆月結束後的4至6星期內由商戶自動存入合資格客戶的The Point賬戶。 禮遇3: 賺10% The Point積分回贈. Citi積分換埋賺埋嘅The Point積分,點用最精明?

  2. 簡單幾步將Citi積分兌換成The Point積分. 參與商場包括:apm、東港城、北角匯、新都會廣場、新都廣場、Mikiki、MOKO新世紀廣場、柴灣新翠商場、新城市廣場、上水廣場、將軍澳中心、大埔超級城、天晉匯、荃錦中心荃灣廣場、V City、V Walk、世貿中心WTC、YOHO MALL 形 ...

  3. www1.citibank.com.hk › english › personal-bankingCitibank

    Important Information You are now leaving the Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited website and entering a third party site. All the information you provide will be subject to confidentiality and security terms of the applicable third party site. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited does ...

  4. www1.citibank.com.hk › chinese › credit-cards商戶分期計劃

    一於用「商戶分期計劃」,將消費分成每月付款,靈活找數話咁易。 仲有超過600間參與商戶,讓您輕鬆買到心頭好! 簡單直接使用「商戶分期計劃」! 600+參與商戶任您揀. 產品/服務涵蓋多個類別,包括電器/電子、美容護膚、 健康生活、珠寶鐘錶等。 瀏覽所有參與 商戶名單. 提提您. Shopping完想睇返信用卡簽賬紀錄? 唔洗等月尾statement喇,登入Citi Mobile® App幾時睇返都得啦! 尚未擁有Citi信用卡? 立即申請專享環球獎賞. 按此申請. 信用卡分期與一般零售消費類似,將於每月向 Citi 信用卡賬戶收取分期付款。 如在付款限期或之前,您支付/ 已支付的金額低於當前月結單或之前月結單上所示的月結單總結欠,則需支付一般的財務費用。

  5. Portfolio Finance allows you to meet your general liquidity needs and enhance your investing power by providing you with additional capital to seize investment opportunities as they happen. Borrow against a broad range of collaterals 3. Get additional capital of up to 90% of your initial investment holdings with us.

  6. Citi Pay with Points正式登陸KKday! %body%. 熱愛旅行嘅您,計劃行程一定識揀KKday!. 好消息!. Citi Pay with Points依家仲正式登陸KKday, 憑指定Citi信用卡喺香港KKday平台預訂本地以至外地吃喝玩樂,買景點門票或預訂觀光行程, 都可以無縫用Pay with Points憑分消費,直接用 ...

  7. Citibank Online is now upgraded and improved to bring you a hassle-free digital banking experience. Managing your finances have never been easier, with more extensive banking features, we give you control over your finances and the ability to self-serve in real-time, at your convenience.