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  1. Childn 2-11 yr Dose up to 35 mL/kg/day should be regularly adjusted to the requirements of the paed patient that varies more than in adult patients. SmofKabiven Peripheral Adult & adolescents (12-16/18 yr) 20-40 mL/kg/day. Max: 40 mL/kg/day. Childn 2-11 yr Dose up to 40 mL/kg/day should be regularly adjusted to the requirements of the paed ...

  2. Dosage/Direction for Use. Adult 50 mg 1 hr prior sexual activity. May be increased up to max 100 mg or decreased to 25 mg. Max dosing frequency: Once daily.

  3. Avoid use w/ P-gp inhibitors (eg, ketoconazole, erythromycin, cyclosporine, ritonavir, diltiazem) in patients w/ moderate or severe renal impairment. Pregnancy & lactation. For childn 6-11 yr weighing at least 20 kg, use 10 mg ODT. Should not be used in childn <6 yr & under 20 kg. Click to view Labixten detailed prescribing information.

  4. Usual initial dose: 10-20 mg once daily. Dose range: 5-40 mg once daily. 40 mg dose should be used only for patients who have not achieved LDL-C goal w/ 20 mg dose. HeFH Childn & adolescent 10-17 yr 5-20 mg/day. Max: 20 mg/day. Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia Adult Initially 20 mg once daily. Asian patient Initially 5 mg once daily.

  5. Relief of pain & inflammation in lumbago (muscular & fascial lumbago, spondylosis deformans, discopathy & sprain of lumbar spine), OA, humeroscapular periarthritis, tendinitis/tendovaginitis, peritendinitis, humeral epicondylitis, myalgia & post-traumatic swelling/pain.

  6. Dosage/Direction for Use. SC Starting dose: 75 mg once every 2 wk. Alternative starting dose for patients who prefer less frequent dosing is 300 mg once every 4 wk (mthly). Max: 150 mg every 2 wk. Click to view Praluent detailed prescribing information.

  7. Insert the probe back to the tube & make sure it clicks closed. Shake the tubes until the samples are thoroughly mixed w/ the soln. Put the tubes into the sample bag & seal. Return the whole sample bag to the designated location w/in 24 hr. Click to view G-NiiB M3CRC detailed prescribing information.