雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The EAA Annual Report 2020/21 summarises the EAA’s work in regulating the practice of the estate agency trade and its financial statement for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2021. It. 的挑戰,包括就保持監管局營運業務的連續性和彈性、以及為業界而推行的特別措施。 2020/21年報的網上版及電子書版本可於監管局網站閱覽。

  2. Press Release. ( 2013 年12 月24日)地產代理監管局(監管局)今日宣布,現任行政總裁伍華強先生基於個人理由,已向監管局董事局請辭,並將於2014 年3 月離任。 監管局主席韻雲女士感謝伍先生過去一年多以來對局方作出的貢獻。 監管局即將就該職位進行招聘,期望盡快物色合適人才出任行政總裁的職位。 -完- 1.

  3. 永祥先生,BBS,JP獲委任接替韻雲女士,SBS,JP出任董事局主席,而廖玉玲女士,JP則獲委任副主席。 韻雲女士由2008年11月起獲政府委任為監 管局主席,任期至2014年10月31日屆滿。

  4. Chair Professor of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong Director, Ronald Coase Centre for Property Rights Research, The University of Hong Kong. Member, Home Purchase Allowance Appeals Committee. Member, Industry Consultative Network, Real Estate Agency, Employees Retraining Board. Member, Appeals Tribunal (Building) (2002 ...

  5. The new Vice-chairman Mr Simon SIU has been appointed by the Government as an EAA Board Member since November 2014, and had served as the Chairman of Practice and Examination Committee and Chairman of Section 28 Investigation Panel of the EAA respectively.

  6. The six new EAA Board members include Mr CHIU Kam-kuen, Ms Irene CHU Ngar-yee, Mr Dennis HO Chiu-ping, Mr Kevin WONG Ho, Mr Michael WONG Yick-kam, SBS, MH, JP and Mr Eric WOO Hing-yip. They have been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR and their term of office is from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2024.

  7. 監管局上屆主席陳韻雲女士,SBS,JP 的任期已於2014 年10月底屆滿。 陳主席卸任前接受《專業天地》專訪,分享她對 業界及監管局工作的看法,以及她過去六年來領導監管局的經驗。