雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. BOCHK is committed to exploring potential commercial use cases of hypothetical e-HKD. The Bank will collect feedback from merchants and customers throughout the pilot programme and share its progress and results with the HKMA, maximising its readiness for a potential e-HKD. ─ End ─ Page 1 of 1.

  2. 全新操作體驗 全新界面設計. •透過全新儀表板(Dashboard)及卡片式信息設計,豐富提供信息,提升操作體驗. •連通全球中國銀行集團賬戶,實現賬戶信息同步,快速查詢全球賬戶及資產分佈. •提供更豐富的賬戶信息支持,例如多賬戶結餘同步顯示、電子回單 ...

  3. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  4. As of December 2020, dim sum bond issuance amounted to RMB 188.85 billion, including RMB 155 billion of central bank bills. According to a SWIFT report in November 2020, the RMB was the fifth most active currency for domestic and international payments by value, with a share of 2.09%, behind USD, EUR, GBP and JPY.

  5. 中銀Chill Card獨家優先訂票讓您享受新城唱好海洋公園音樂會《周禮茂作品展》的精彩演出。

  6. 賺高達20X積分!. | 信用卡 | 中國銀行 (香港)有限公司. 主頁 > 信用卡 > 推廣優惠 > 最新優惠 > 20X狂賞派!. 賺高達20X積分!. 一齊去片睇下點賺盡積分!.

  7. 中銀香港動態. 中國銀行(香港)港珠澳大橋(香港段)半馬拉松2024/25將於2025年1月5日舉行. 中國銀行(香港)首席贊助支持國際知名建築巨擘貝聿銘首個全面回顧展「貝聿銘:人生如建築」.