雅虎香港 搜尋


    • To sell piglet

      • 解釋: (廣東話) 俾人呃或者拐咗去一個好遠嘅地方送死或者做 苦力 (英文) to be cheated or kidnapped to somewhere far away as slave labour; literally: to sell piglet 例句: (粵) 佢 keoi5 阿 aa3 爺 je4 畀 bei2 人 jan4 賣 maai6 豬 zyu1 仔 zai2 賣 maai6 咗 zo2 去 heoi3 舊 gau6 金 gam1 山 saan1 。 (英) His grandfather was sold as slave labour in San Francisco.
  1. 賣豬仔 ( 粵拼 : maai6 zyu1 zai2 )原本指由中至外嘅苦力買賣,係種奴隸貿易。 啲工人雅稱 華工 ,俗稱 豬仔 ,主要種類有三——去 美國 或者 加拿大 嘅 賒單苦力 [1] [2] 、去 拉丁美洲 嘅 契約華工 [3] ,同去 南洋 嘅 豬仔華工 [4] 。 歷史. 呢個表 唔完整 ,歡迎 加料 。 「豬仔」招攬自五湖四海,以窮鄉僻壤居多,聚埋喺幾個貿易發達嘅城市道交易。 「賣豬仔」檔口嘅集中地,有澳門、香港、廣州、汕頭、廈門同新加坡等 [5] 。 澳門.

  2. 2016年9月20日 · For pronunciation and definitions of 卖 猪 – see 賣豬仔 (“to sell someone into indentured servitude of forced labour; to blackbird; etc.”). ( This term is the simplified form of 賣豬仔 ). Notes: Simplified Chinese is mainly used in Mainland China, Malaysia, and Singapore.

  3. 2023年10月14日 · Verb [ edit] 賣⫽豬仔 (verb-object) to sell someone into indentured servitude of forced labour; to blackbird. ( Cantonese) to betray. ( Cantonese) to trick; to con.

  4. Translation of "賣豬仔" into English. Sample translated sentence: 特别是在金融危机期间,在资金流动方面遇到困难的公司可能别无选择,公司的所有人不得不以火灾后的甩卖价把公司卖掉。 ↔ Particularly during a financial crisis, firms with liquidity problems may have few options, and their owners may be forced to sell them at “fire sale” prices. 賣豬 verb. + Add translation. Chinese-English dictionary.

  5. (英文) to be cheated or kidnapped to somewhere far away as slave labour; literally: to sell piglet

  6. Sell piglets see "selling piglets." Click to see the original definition of «卖猪仔» in the Chinese dictionary. CHINESE WORDS THAT RHYME WITH 卖猪仔. 猪仔. zhu zi. CHINESE WORDS THAT BEGIN LIKE 卖猪仔. 卖 韵. 卖 贼. 卖 帐. 卖 账. 卖 折. 卖 阵. 卖 直. 卖 质. 卖 重. 卖 珠. 卖 主求荣. 卖 壮丁. 卖 字号. 卖 租. 卖 祖. 卖 嘴巴皮. 卖 嘴料舌. 卖 嘴皮子. CHINESE WORDS THAT END LIKE 卖猪仔. 些 仔. 仔. 后生 仔. 小 仔. 打工 仔.

  7. 卖猪仔 is the simplified form of 賣豬仔. For pronunciation and definitions of 卖猪仔 – see 賣豬仔. This is the meaning of 賣豬仔: 賣豬仔 ( Chinese) trad. 賣豬仔, simpl. 卖猪仔. Pronunciation. Mandarin: màizhūzǎi. Cantonese: maai6 zyu1 zai2. Hakka: gd mai4 zu1 zai3. Verb. 賣豬仔. to sell someone into indentured servitude of forced labour. ( Cantonese) to betray.