雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. "For over 40 years, PolyU’s School of Hotel and Tourism Management has refined a distinctive vision of hospitality and tourism education and become a world-leading hotel and tourism school. Rated No. 1 in the world in the “Hospitality and Tourism Management” category according to ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2020, placed No. 1 globally in the “Commerce ...

  2. 2020年7月14日 · 理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院於不同世界數個排行榜中均表現出色,印證了大學致力提供環球最優質酒店與旅遊管理教育的卓著聲譽。 在上海軟科教育信息諮詢有限公司發布的2020年「軟科世界一流學科排名」中,學院在旅遊休閒管理分科領域中連續第四年位居榜首。

  3. Undergraduate Programmes • Bachelor of Science (BSc) (Hons) Scheme in Hotel and Tourism Management • BSc (Hons) in Hotel and Tourism Management (Hotel Management) • BSc (Hons) in Hotel and Tourism Management (Smart Tourism and Hospitality) • BSc (Hons) in Hotel and Tourism Management (Event and Experience Management)

  4. Aims and Characteristics Programme Aims Hotel and tourism management has never been as competitive, dynamic or rewarding a profession as it is today. Industry leaders and educators must develop the skills needed to lead change and effectively identify and ...

  5. 理大酒店及旅游业管理学院于不同世界排行榜均表现出色,印证了大学致力提供环球最优质酒店与旅游管理教育的卓著声誉。 在上海软科教育信息咨询有限公司发布的2020年「软科世界一流学科排名」中,学院在旅游休闲管理分科领域中连续第四年位居榜首。

  6. Remarks The SHTM offers a considerable number of scholarships of up to HKD50,000 to qualified students in the MSc in Global Hospitality Business programme who have demonstrated a high level of academic merit, honours, and awards. Aims and Characteristics ...

  7. The Master of Science (MSc)/Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) in International Hospitality Management programme develops students' knowledge and management skills in the hospitality industry, using a blend of strategic perspectives and pragmatic implementation. ...

  8. Situated in Hong Kong, and in the heart of the booming Asia-Pacific region, the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) is uniquely positioned not just to ride the Asian wave in tourism and hospitality, but to lead it in educational excellence.

  9. 100% online programmes tailor-made for seasoned executives who want to advance their careers in the digital age. The flexible mode of delivery enables hospitality executives to take courses at their own pace while remaining in the workforce.

  10. Remarks The curriculum of this programme, including the credit requirements, is subject to review. In accordance with PolyU’s Academic Rules and Regulations, the Major/Minor option is not available to Senior Year entry students. Aims and Characteristics

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  12. 就业前景 本课程的毕业生可在酒店、旅游与会展相关的机构就职,而根据毕业生的专业课程(酒店管理、智慧旅游及酒店产业、会展及体验管理、酒店旅游管理结合人工智能及数据分析或酒店旅游管理结合创新及创业)以及学生修读的选修课程,在业内特定专业范围工作,譬如学生入读《酒店管理 ...

  13. HTM507 - Cultural Tourism HTM513 - China Hotel and Tourism Business Studies HTM528 - Trends and Issues in Global Tourism HTM540 - Hospitality and Tourism Technology and Innovation HTM541 - Luxury Management HTM568 - Smart Tourism and Big Data

  14. Aims and Characteristics The Master of Science (MSc) in Hotel and Tourism Management programme is designed to develop international leaders, educators and researchers for the global hotel and tourism industry. This exciting programme enhances students ...

  15. 酒店及旅遊管理(榮譽)理學士組合課程 (酒店管理 / 智慧旅遊及酒店產業 / 會展及體驗管理) JUPAS Non-JUPAS Year 1 International / Other Qualification 內地应届高考生 School of Hotel and Tourism Management ...

  16. 香港理工大學(理大)環球酒店管理理學碩士學位課程 (Master of Science in Global Hospitality Business) 早前榮獲2020年度「McCool突破獎」,該獎項由全球最大的酒店及旅遊教育組織「國際酒店餐飲及學術教育委員會 (I-CHRIE)」進行評選,以表揚其創新的課程

  17. 環球酒店管理理學碩士學位 Taught Postgraduate School of Hotel and Tourism Management CODE 24043 SUBCODE 24043 ENTRY Sept 2024 Entry STUDY MODE Full-time DURATION 1.5 years CREDIT REQUIRED 36 FUND TYPE Sept 2024 Entry: Closed ...

  18. 香港理工大学(理大)环球酒店管理理学硕士学位课程 (Master of Science in Global Hospitality Business) 早前荣获2020年度「McCool突破奖」,该奖项由全球最大的酒店及旅游教育组织「国际酒店餐饮及学术教育委员会 (I-CHRIE)」进行评选,以表扬其创新的课程

  19. 八大學院涵蓋多個知名大學學士學位課程 | 香港理工大學 香港理工大學設有八大學院,涵蓋多個知名學士學位課程,例如會計、酒店管理及設計等。課程為本科生提供多元化學習經歷,配合實習、服務學習和海外交流,全面裝備學生,藉以提昇畢業生的應聘能力。

  20. We use Cookies to give you a better experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site without changing your privacy settings, you are consenting to our use ...

  21. 肖曲博士在香港理工大学酒店及旅游业管理学院专长于酒店战略及投资的教学、研究与咨询工作。他曾在美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学酒店管理学院讲授高级酒店管理和酒店房地产等课程,并在酒店和旅游咨询、运营与管理等领域积累了逾十年的行业实践经验。

  22. 田桂成院长是香港理工大学酒店及旅游业管理学院院长及讲座教授暨郭炳湘基金国际酒店服务业管理教授。曾任职酒店经理及旅游业顾问的田院长,自2000年起一直领导酒店及旅游业管理学院。 在他的带领之下,学院逐步成为一所世界顶尖的酒店及旅游业管理学院。学院在2017及2018上海软科世界一流 ...

  23. 田桂成院长现为香港理工大学酒店及旅游业管理学院院长及讲座教授、郭炳湘基金国际酒店服务业管理教授。2011 年,田院长获联合国世界旅游组织颁授「尤利西斯奖」 (UNWTO Ulysses Prize 2011) ,这个被誉为「旅游业诺贝尔奖」的大奖是每年颁发给一位对旅游知识创造作出杰出贡献的学者。

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