雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Program Overview. During the 8-week internship, BOCHK will provide interns with a diverse and comprehensive training program. We will organize specialized training sessions about the latest trends and practical case studies in the application of ESG concepts of the banking industry.

  2. TCFD REPORT 2022. Environmental. Green Building Certificate. Five key office buildings like Bank of China Tower received the “Platinum Rating” under BEAM Plus EB V2.0 (Comprehensive Scheme A) Carbon Neutrality Target. Aim to achieve carbon neutrality in our own operations by 2030. Climate Transition Index.

  3. TCFD REPORT 2022. Environmental. Green Building Certificate. Five key office buildings like Bank of China Tower received the “Platinum Rating” under BEAM Plus EB V2.0 (Comprehensive Scheme A) Carbon Neutrality Target. Aim to achieve carbon neutrality in our own operations by 2030. Climate Transition Index.

  4. to build a greener future. We recognise that promoting sustainability requires the collaboration of all sectors of the community. By sponsoring various partners to promote a diverse range of environmental projects, we work together to put our environmental philosophy into practice and strive to build a greener future.

  5. 詳情如下: 綠色按揭計劃. 體驗全無紙化、數碼化按揭服務. 由遞交按揭申請、上載申請文件、查閱批核結果至日常賬單管理, 全程線上辦理,與客戶攜手推動減碳環保、可持續發展與智慧生活。 綠色按揭獎賞1. 保險產品優惠2. 其他數碼理財獎賞3,4. 綠色按揭適用的. 住宅項目. 已獲取由香港綠色建築議會頒發的「綠建環評」 或 認證的一手/二手私人及政府資助住宅項目︰. 必嘉坊‧迎匯 (BAKER CIRCLE‧EUSTON) Bal Residence. Belgravia Place (Phase 1) 天璽‧海 (第1期) 凱滙第一期及二期 (GRAND CENTRAL PHASE I & II) 維港滙第一期、二期及三期 (GRAND VICTORIA I, II & III) 啟德海灣 1

  6. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

  7. 參賽作品取景構圖別具一格:有活力澎湃或安詳寧靜;有嶙峋奇岩或遼闊海岸;有日落晚霞或晨曦乍現;雲石一體、水天一色,構成一幅一幅恢弘的互動景致,作品整體品質之高,就連評判們也難以取捨。 中銀香港特別邀請多位專業攝影家及地質專家組成評審團,包括沙龍影友協會名譽會長黃貴權先生、極地博物館基金創辦人李樂詩博士、香港地質公園專責小組成員邱榮光博士、香港大學地球科學系陳龍生教授、著名攝影家水禾先生,以及. The Photographic Heritage Foundation 創辦人Edward Stokes先生。 除評審團成員外,「中苑攝影學會」會長鄧祖國先生亦出席並擔任是次頒獎典禮的主禮嘉賓。 中銀香港「香港地質公園」攝影比賽的得獎及入圍作品將於2010 年10 月2日至.

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