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  1. Effective Against Insect pests. Eco & Safe Pest Control Service works by using unique BioKill® insecticides, which is safe for humans and warm-blooded animals, and even allow you to stay at your premises during the treatment process; highly effective in eliminating insect pests.

  2. 對付蟑螂、蒼蠅、蟻、書蟲、衣魚等常見害蟲. 安全環保滅蟲服務. 使用我們獨有的保而剋®滅蟲劑,對 人及溫血動物安全 ,並獲漁護署豁免無須掛上毒藥標籤的消滅害蟲方法,甚至“可以讓您於 滅蟲期間安心留在家中 ” 。. 適合 家居、辦公室、醫院、學校 ...

  3. BioCycle® DisinfectSafe is a natural, safe and convenient disinfection service, applying our new and unique BioKill ® Organic Disinfectant using ULV (Ultra Low Volume) 3-dimension technology.

  4. Termite Prevention and Control. In Hong Kong, subterranean termite damage approaches millions of dollars a year. Protect your premises by watching for these signs of termites: Swarms of winged insects around your home. Discarded wings near doors and windows. Mud tubes on outside walls or crawl spaces.

    • 鑽石戒指1
    • 鑽石戒指2
    • 鑽石戒指3
    • 鑽石戒指4
    • 鑽石戒指5
  5. 當遇見蛇時,請在安全的情況下立即離開並第一時間報警。. 警察會直接來現場或聯絡捉蛇人員幫忙。. 於防蛇服務工作中,硫磺是我們使用的主要產品。. 我們會因應個別不同的情況而採用其他產品和可行的方法去防止蛇進入我們的居所範圍。. 雖然硫磺是一種 ...

  6. 香港的鼠患問題. 香港的氣候和狹窄擠迫環境,十分適合某些品種的老鼠生活和繁殖。 而於香港三種較常見的共生老鼠分別為: 小家鼠. 挪威鼠. 屋頂鼠. 老鼠屬群居雜食性夜行的哺乳類動物,牠們具有敏銳的嗅覺、觸覺和聽覺,擅長攀爬和游泳、跳躍能力高,而且記憶力很強,可憑記憶辨別位置而行動。 而且老鼠繁殖能力極強,雌性老鼠每年更能約可產下五十隻幼鼠,一旦找到合適的居所,便有機會匿藏及大量繁殖。 老鼠可經由細小的通道或管道進入住所或商店,牠們更會破壞樓宇設施、管道、木製品和傢俱、更有機會咬斷電話線、電腦的接線和電線,導致短路而引起火警。

  7. BioKill® Safe Sanitizer Unique Advantages. Natural, safe, environmental friendly (BioKill® Safe Sanitizer is 100% Biodegradable) and an organic disinfectant with residual effect. Kills up to 99.99% of germs, bacteria & mould*, prevents the transmission of pathogens. BioKill® Safe Sanitizer is a non-toxic organic replacement for chlorine.

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