雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Semester 2: Higher Diploma in Visual Communication: Cultural Studies. Photography and Art Direction. Illustration and Motion Graphics. Studio: Design to Read. Typography: Editorial Design. Vocational Chinese Communication: Putonghua Conversation and Reports. Essential Workplace Communication: Digital Written Correspondence.

  2. 太擔任香港中華廠商聯合會副會長,慷慨捐贈獎學金予VTC,表揚及鼓勵學術成績優異、品格良好、積極參與校內及社區事務的VTC學生。 太於1996年獲頒「香港青年工業家獎」,2008年榮獲香港特別行政區政府委任為太平紳士,並分別於2004年及2014年獲香港工業專業評審局頒發院士及榮譽院士之榮銜。

  3. 课程内容. 第一学期:. 创意及设计思维. 立体创作:物件与空间. 素描. 视觉艺术史入门. 摄影与录像. 基础职场英文传意:高效口语沟通. 全人发展 - 心智转换:实践个人成长与效能.

  4. 院校簡介 工商資訊學院 (SBI) 是 職業訓練局 (VTC) 院校之一,所開辦的多元化毅進文憑課程,均由SBI及其他VTC院校成員開辦及教授,課程著重實務培訓,貼近行業需要,配合富教學及業界工作經驗的教學團隊,為年輕人提供優質的專上教育,讓他們可以在升學和發展個人事業上作更佳準備。

  5. 創意媒體(流動應用及互聯網)高級文憑. 課程宗旨. 因應全球先進國家邁向智能城市及生活的發展方向,本課程提供尖端設備供學生體驗新媒體科技應用,訓練學生運用與時並進的互動媒體、流動應用程式及網站設計技術等,製作改善及美化人類生活的創意媒體 ...

  6. 1 17 Table of Contents 19 136. Skilling for the Future (2020 Update) Skills Change Lives Continuous upskilling and reskilling benefits both personal and organisational growth in the digital world. VTC graduates in different disciplines showcased how VPET had helped them master skills and change their lives. Mr Robo Yeung, currently an R&D ...

  7. An “Attained” in HKDSE Citizenship and Social Development is regarded as equivalent to an HKDSE subject at “Level 2” for admission purpose. HKDSE Liberal Studies at Level 2 or above will be recognised for meeting the subject requirement of Citizenship and Social Development. *Upon completion of the Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate ...