雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港竹坑香葉道11號 THE SOUTHSIDE 地下G25-28號舖 營業時間 00:00 - 00:00 星期一: 09:00 - 17:00

  2. 了解環境、社會和管治 (ESG) 概念,以及滙豐對推動ESG與普及金融的貢獻。在HSBC HK App上閱覽ESG大本營,了解您如何可為推動可持續發展出一分力。

  3. 2018 HSBC New Series Hong Kong Banknotes. HSBC’s 2018 new series incorporates a unique design narrative that connects Hong Kong’s people, landmarks and nature to showcase the facets of life in Hong Kong. Facets of life in Hong Kong are portrayed through the interaction between people, as well as between people and nature.

  4. 網路安全及防詐騙資訊中心. 甚麼是「社交工程」詐騙? 您可能不時在新聞聽說騙徒用「社交工程」(Social engineering )的技倆,入侵電腦或賬戶,盜取個人資料及財產。 但到底甚麼是「社交工程」? 它和一般詐騙有甚麼分別? 您可以如何防範? 讓我們為您講解清楚。 甚麼是「社交工程」詐騙? 簡單而言,「社交工程」指一種仿冒他人的詐騙伎倆。 騙徒會以不同籍口,騙取您的信任,讓您自願透露機密資料。 這種手法稱為「社交工程」,是因為騙徒會以高超的社交技巧,操控別人的心理。 他們會像進行建築工程一樣,以謊言“建構”出可信的情境,讓您感到恐慌或緊張而在一時大意下將個人資料和金錢雙手奉上。 社交工程常見手法.

  5. 本概要向閣下提供有關滙豐黃金代幣(「本產品」)的主要資料。 本概要乃本產品的銷售文件的一部分,須與本產品的主要推銷刊物(尤其是標題為「本產品的主要 風險」的章節)一併閱讀。 閣下不應單憑本概要作出投資本產品的決定。

  6. Cyber security and fraud hub. What is a social engineering scam? Criminals use social engineering tactics to hack into your computer or account and steal personal information and money. How do they do this and how does it differ from other scams? We can show you how to prevent it. What is a social engineering scam?

  7. Premier Elite. An elevated experience. HSBC Premier Elite provides an elevated experience that takes your everyday above and beyond. Join Premier Elite from now until 30 June 2024 to enjoy welcome rewards worth up to HKD86,300, including new funds offer, wealth offers, best-in-class health, dining, travel, and lifestyle benefits.

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