雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. AXA安盛「卓越」豐盛優遊樂提供全面旅遊保障,包括醫療 ,個人行李,物品保障,旅程或或行李延誤。 ** 立即網上投保及比較旅遊保障!

  2. 2017年7月16日 · AXA SmartTraveller Plus covers comprehensive medical, personal accident protection, travel or baggage delay. Apply travel insurance online.

  3. Whether you are an adventurer, a traveller on a whim, a family person or a business professional, AXA enhanced travel insurance is the all-round MBTI for your trips!

  4. 2024年2月7日 · MoneyHero獨家優惠 經本網購買旅遊保險,獨家尊享:. 75折優惠. 快閃獎賞:每星期首500名成功投保指定旅遊保險之客戶可獲贈Apple AirTag (折後保費滿HK$200方可獲贈獎賞),受條款及細則約束。. 第3星期:6月19日下午6時 - 6月26日下午5時59分. 第4星期:6月26日下午6時 - 7 ...

  5. 全面保障讓您安心出遊. 每次當您計劃出門旅遊時,「旅遊萬全保」都會為您和您的家人及親友提供保障,直至您們盡興而返。. 「旅遊萬全保」讓您每個旅程都輕鬆無憂,其全面的承保範圍包括意外受傷、醫療及住院費用、個人責任、行李及現金遺失、航機延誤 ...

  6. MoneySmart為你比較AXA安盛旅遊保險,包括AXA安盛旅遊保險的單次旅程及全年保障旅遊保的海外醫療費用、行程取消、行李遺失或損壞保障等。 現經MoneySmart投保可享保費75折優惠,立即投保! 查看更多. 日本. 單次. 旅遊類別. 旅遊日期. 1. 成人. 0. 小孩. 報價分析. 我們找到3個適合你的AXA安盛旅遊保險計劃! 最後更新. 排序. MoneySmart 獨家尊享. 限時優惠倒數 15小時:42分鐘. AXA安盛「卓越」豐盛優遊樂 至悠計劃. 海外醫療費用. HK$ 500,000. 行程取消保障. HK$ 50,000. 行李遺失/損壞保障. HK$ 8,000. 保費. HK$226 15% 折扣. HK$ 192.10.

  7. MoneyHero搜集所有AXA 旅遊保險產品及優惠, 提供全面及簡單易明的比較及分析,方便選擇最適合你的AXA旅遊保險計劃。 現在經MoneyHero投保AXA旅遊保險,更可享低至85折旅遊保險優惠! 更少資訊. expand_less. 旅遊保險報價. 保障類別. 單次旅程. 全年旅程. 目的地. Japan/日本. 出發日期. 25/06/2024 29/06/2024 . 成人. 兒童. 家庭旅遊. . update 搜尋. 3 搜尋結果. 排序方式. 推薦. 「卓越」豐盛優遊樂 - 至悠計劃. MoneyHero獨家優惠 . 精選產品 . 取消行程保障額. HK$ 25,000. 醫療費用保障額. HK$ 500,000. 行李財物保障額. HK$ 8,000. 保費.

  8. hk-axa-web-2020.cdn.axa-contento-118412.eu › hk-axa-web-2020Travel Insurance

    Travel Insurance. Getting ready to travel abroad? We offer COVID-19 related protections that give you peace of mind throughout your post-COVID journey, on top of many other benefits: Before Departure Before Departure. We cover. • Irrecoverable cost for transportation and accommodation under Trip Cancellation, up to HKD50,000, for the reason of.

  9. With AXA Travel Protection, travelers to Malaysia will be offered three tiers of insurance: Silver, Gold and Platinum. Each provides varying levels of coverage to cater to individual's preferences and travel needs.

  10. With AXA travel insurance you benefit from assistance throughout your trip: before, during and after and everywhere in the world. Take advantage of our comprehensive guarantees: coverage of your medical expenses abroad, 24-hour medical assistance, teleconsultation, travel cancellation insurance, repatriation insurance and loss of luggage.

  11. 以AXA旅遊保險為例,雖然列明保障手提電話,但受保人只可為其中一部電話或平板電腦索償。 有些旅遊保險則只有特定級別才保障手機,如STARR的非凡及尊貴計劃會保障手機,STARR標準計劃則不提供手機保障。

  12. AXA Travel Insurance offers comprehensive coverage, including up to HK$25,000 for trip cancellation due to Outbound Travel Alert.

  13. 從醫療費用到旅行延誤,AXA安盛優化的保險為您提供全方位保障,開展前所未有的無憂旅行體驗! 醫療費用 (包括COVID-19),高達500,000港元. 個人財物,高達12,000港元. 取消旅程,高達25,000港元. 旅程延誤,高達4,000港元. 人身意外,高達500,000港元. 與家長共遊的小童 # 免費受保. 租車自負額,高達 6,000港元. 為什麼選擇全年保障呢? 一勞永逸,免除出門前最後一刻才記起要張羅保險的憂慮. 保障全年無限次旅程,每次旅程可長達90日. 全面保障在手,任您隨時即興、想飛就飛. 經常外遊,購買全年保障更化算! 以Emma 為例,Emma熱愛旅行,行程遍及中國內地快閃度假、亞洲探索之旅以至其他地區深度遊。 全年保障正為Emma而設。

  14. MoneyHero比較了市面上超過40份旅遊保險,包括:Allianz Travel、Zurich蘇黎世、bolttech(前稱:富衛保險)旅遊保險、Blue Cross藍十字,以及AXA安盛等,比較了不同熱門保障項目及最高保障額,如:醫療費用保障(新冠及非新冠)最高HK$200萬;取消

  15. www.axatravelinsurance.com › destination › international-travelAXA International Travel Insurance

    With AXA's international Travel Protection Plans, you can travel with confidence, knowing that you're covered for a variety of situations. Whether you're exploring new cultures, embarking on an adventure tour, or simply relaxing on a beach, international travel insurance is a smart investment for anyone traveling outside of their home country.

  16. AXA offers three travel insurance plans that can help protect you on your next trip. Whether traveling domestically or internationally, plan for the unexpected. Our travel protection plans include many benefits such as trip cancellation, interruption, emergency medical expense, emergency evacuation, and baggage delay to help ease your mind ...

  17. Embark on your journey with peace of mind by taking HK Express Travel Insurance. Say goodbye to travel worries and hello to unparalleled protection. From medical expenses to travel delay, AXA's enhanced insurance has you covered every step of the way

  18. HK Express Travel Insurance | AXA Hong Kong. Embark on Worry-free Travel Adventures All Year Long! Annual Cover, 30% Off – Unlimited Trips Covered! View Product Feature. How To Claim. FAQ. Step 1: Your trip info. Travel type. Round Trip. One Way. One Annual Policy, Unlimited Trips! Annual Cover. Journey start / end date. DD/MM/YYYY - DD/MM/YYYY.

  19. 一般保險計劃乃AXA安盛之產品而非滙豐之產品。 有關與滙豐於銷售過程或處理有關交易的金錢糾紛,滙豐將與您把個案提交至金融糾紛調解計劃;此外,有關涉及閣下保單條款及細則的任何糾紛,將直接由AXA安盛與您共同解決。

  20. 透過花旗銀行(香港)為自己與家人及親友尋找適合的旅遊保險計劃。 立即網上投保,更可享有獨家優惠。

  21. 旅遊保險索償. 1. 下載並填妥索償表格. 2. 準備好所有證明文件. 3. 提交索償表格及所有相關證明文件. 4. 當收妥所有所需文件後,我們將於7個工作天內處理您的索償申請. 5. 索償一經批核,您將收到我們的確認信件及/或電郵. 透過 EMMA BY AXA 提交索償申請,令索償更輕易! 立即下載 Emma by AXA 手機應用程式,即時享受網上索償的便利. 只須提交所有所需文件,您的索償將於 7 個工作天內處理. 點擊「下載 EMMA BY AXA」下載手機應用程式 指定索償類別*可直接於 EMMA 輸入索償詳情,其他索償亦可透過 EMMA 上傳表格 上傳所有證明文件 索償審查及理賠. *指定索償類別:門診、旅程延誤、行李延誤、個人財物損失. 下載 EMMA BY AXA.

  22. Whether traveling domestically or internationally, you want to plan for the unexpected. Our travel protection plans include many benefits such as Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Emergency Medical Expense, Emergency Evacuation and Baggage Delay to help give you peace of mind before and during your trip.

  23. AXA offers travel insurance plans in conjunction with travel assistance services to not only help compensate for your covered loss but also to provide support during and after your loss. Our travel insurance plans include many benefits such as Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Emergency Medical Expense, Emergency Evacuation and Baggage Delay

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