雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年11月29日 · Brian's Ramen Adventures part of Yummy Japan provides an exciting visual medium to learn about ramen in Japan from the man behind Ramen Adventures. His detailed first-person reviews and other videos include shots that the ordinary customer would miss, such as the way the noodles are made on-site, plus fun, pixelated guerrilla vids ...

  2. Ramen Adventures seeks out the best ramen shops in Tokyo and beyond. Blogger Brian MacDuckston has been scouring Japan for great eats since 2008, with hundreds of reviews complete with photos, maps and shop details.

  3. 來自Ramen Adventures網的美食編輯Brian MacDuckston召集了一群拉麵愛好者騎著摩托車在日本各地考察美味的拉麵店,其中千葉縣對於拉麵騎士們而言是一個不錯的選擇。

  4. 2017年9月8日 · Brian MacDuckston has devoured more than 1,000 bowls of ramen since arriving in Japan in June 2006. The noodles formed the fuel for his Ramen Adventures blog starting in October 2008, and in April 2015, Tokyo-based K&B Publishers Inc. released his first book, the appropriately entitled Brian’s Ramen Adventures , in which he ...

  5. 2017年4月12日 · 始创于室町時代(1520年)的日本甜点老铺“虎屋”,在明治2年(1869年),伴随着明治天皇迁都,也将本店由京都移到了东京。. 自此,甜点制作工艺越发精进,逐渐成了高级日式甜点品牌中的翘楚。. 虎屋的招牌甜点是华人们都相当熟悉的“栗羊羹 ...

  6. 福砂屋的長崎蛋糕的主要特色是在蛋糕底部殘留了雙目糖糖粒,與其他家相比口感較濕潤,口味偏甜卻不膩,吃完嘴裡的甘甜味,令人滿足。 除了長條狀的蜂蜜蛋糕適合拿來招待到家作客的點心,兩片小巧包裝的方盒體包裝,也很適合作為禮輕情意重的伴手禮。 值得一提的是,在福岡機場還能購得限定版包裝,有興趣的朋友不妨可以參考看看。 價格:2片約297日幣、1條約1,323日幣. 抹茶口味的綠色戀人! 博多貓舌八女茶玉露抹茶. https://omiyadata.com/jp/ 福岡知名的茶葉生產業者「原口園」出品的「八女玉露抹茶ラングドシャ(八女茶玉露抹茶 博多貓舌餅)」是近年來興起的新商品。

  7. 2016年11月18日 · Brian MacDuckston from Ramen Adventures has assembled a few Ramen Riders to go check out ramen shops by motorcycle—and Chiba is a fine candidate for bike-based slurping.