雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年3月18日 · If you drop something and someone goes out of their way to pick it up, sumimasen is way to thank them and acknowledge the trouble you inadvertently caused. Perhaps the usage that foreign visitors feel most self-conscious about, saying sumimasen loudly in a restaurant or bar, is also the best way to get the attention of the staff! 'X Arimasu ka'

  2. 2017年3月27日 · Let’s break them all down. In 1日/ tsuitachi, meaning “the first of the month,” the pronunciation of 日 is part of an unbreakable set with the numeral one. In 日曜日/ nichiyoubi, meaning “Sunday,” the first instance of 日 is pronounced nichi and the second bi. In 祝日/ shukujitsu, meaning “holiday,” 日 is pronounced jitsu.

  3. 2011年6月25日 · A key here is the pronunciation of desu. Many Japanese verbs end in "su," and for these verbs the final "u" is not pronounced. This includes desu, the "to be" verb. So while it's written desu, it should actually be pronounced dess—or, in a question, dess-ka?

  4. 2017年11月25日 · Learn the Top 10 Hardest Japanese Words to Pronounce. Watch on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zkgj1hYndig. Since it’s a phonetic language, Japanese tends to be pretty straightforward when it comes to pronouncing its sounds. But some words do change in tone and inflection, and this can sometimes trip Japanese learners up.

  5. 2017年3月30日 · Intro to the Japanese Writing System. In Japanese writing, there are three completely separate sets of characters called kanji, hiragana and katakana, that are used in reading and writing. In the picture above, the first “Tokyo” is written in kanji, with the hiragana version next, and the katakana one at the bottom.

  6. 下面我們來看看這幾種日語對話來表達天氣。 【形容詞+です】 暑いです (好熱) 最簡單的結構,你可以用任何一個形容詞來形容天氣狀況。 「です」雖然可以不加,但聽起來有點隨意,且根據你聊天對象的不同,不加可能會顯得沒有禮貌。 若在句尾加上語氣詞「ね」,會讓句子聽起來更加友好,例: 暑いですね (好熱啊)。 與天氣相關的形容詞: 暑い(熱) 、溫かい(暖和)、 蒸し暑い(濕熱)、 寒い(冷)、 涼しい(涼快)。 【名詞+です】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7fCOr6NFXY. 雨です (下雨了) 這是另一個簡單的句子結構,雖然和上一個句式看起來一樣,但這個句子裡出現的名詞而不是形容詞。 使用過去時態時活用的形式是不一樣的,所以要做好區分。

  7. 2017年1月26日 · 1. Ohayo Gozaimasu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAMBlvpJlKk. When you arrive at work to start the day—even if your day starts in the afternoon or evening—you should greet your coworkers with "Ohayo gozaimasu" (" Good morning ").