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  5. 2024年3月6日 · Something you write at the start of a formal letter or notice when you do not know exactly who it should be sent to. ''Whose'' is a possessive pronoun, meaning it is used to show possession or ownership. E.g. Whose car is parked in the driveway? ''Who's'' is a

  6. 2024年4月15日 · 英譯概念:Wetland. [2024.04.15] 發表 推文. The number of black-faced spoonbills recorded in Deep Bay (including Hong Kong and Shenzhen) decreased by 19% year-on-year, with only 299 recorded in the 2023 study. (Hong Kong Bird Watching Society) 【明報專訊】 News summary. Translated by Odyssey Langs.

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