雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hangseng travel signature card 1 頁 Cherry 4 小時前-4 建行張卡嘅優惠係咪完咗啦? 1 頁 新騰訊SIR 5 小時前 ... CUP = China UnionPay = 銀聯 #3 爆數 (無卡會員) • 9 年前 唔該晒 #4 Roboto (白金卡會員) • ...

  2. 2019年8月26日 · Pacific Coffee的會員制名為The Perfect Cup Card,持卡人需繳付$200作首次儲值金額以啟動The Perfect Cup Card與Starbucks的積分累積方法不同,Pacific Coffee會員於香港任何分店出示The Perfect Cup 卡購買任何飲品、食品及商品,當中每消費$1即可賺取1分,每20分可作$1 ...

  3. 持卡人需繳付港幣$200作首次儲值金額以啟動The Perfect Cup Card於香港Pacific Coffee任何分店出示The Perfect Cup Card消費購買任何飲料、食品及商品(寄賣品、膠囊機及咖啡機除外),每消費港幣$1即可獲1分,每20分可作港幣$1繳付在Pacific Coffee

  4. 透過雲閃付App,您可憑建行(亞洲)銀聯信用卡體驗更簡易、更快捷、更安全的感應式付款優勢!立即下載雲閃付App及綁,盡享便捷生活及精彩優惠!綁卡流程及功能介紹請瀏覽https://www.asia.ccb.com/hongkong_tc/personal/credit_cards/upapp/

  5. www.pacificcoffee.com › tcPacific Coffee

    我們提供的不僅僅是一杯完美的咖啡,而是一種更豐富的生活方式。. 以「一杯一念一世界」作為我們的使命,一杯所盛載的除了咖啡,還有友情、親情和一份生活的態度。.

  6. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › UnionPayUnionPay - Wikipedia

    UnionPay cards can be used in 181 countries and regions around the world. [2] In 2015, the UnionPay overtook Visa and Mastercard in total value of payments made by customers and became the largest card payment processing organization ( debit and credit cards combined) in the world surpassing the two. [3]

  7. One of the main features of UnionPay cards is “0% foreign currency transaction fee” (other credit cards usually charge around 2%) that allows cardholders to shop oversea without extra cost. Besides, UnionPay dual currency credit cards can separate HKD and CNY transactions by offering two accounts in one card so that cardholders can enjoy ...

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