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  1. 2020年2月3日 · 如果說CV是你向HR推銷自己的工具,那麼求職信(Cover Letter)就是打開這扇門的鎖匙。 HR未看你的CV前,最先接觸的就是求職信。 求職信是闡述CV重點的機會,也可以傳達沒有寫在CV中的相關事項,例如一些過往的工作重點、求職原因(轉行、遷居至其他國家或 ...

  2. 2024年7月6日 · 對Fresh Grad一言,一封言簡意賅的求職信(Cover Letter)更是打開HR的第一道印象之門,即使近年很多招聘廣告未必列明需要呈交求職信,有些甚至指名只需Resume或CV,不過作為搵工初哥,小編建議各位Fresh Grad搵工前準備定Cover Letter,以便

  3. 2014年7月20日 · A cover letter is like a sales letter. It should answer the employer's needs and requirements. That is to say, it is very employer-centered. Before you begin your cover letter, make sure that you have done a sufficient research on the employer, and read through all the requirements posted on the ad.

  4. 2022年7月21日 · 最標準的檔案名應如:Peter-Chan-Cover-Letter.doc或Cover-Letter (Peter Chan).doc。 如果公司規定將求職信作為附件,您可在電郵內簡單交待幾句,例子如下: Dear Manager, Please see my attached resume and cover letter for the position of Sales Officer.

  5. 2023年7月31日 · Cover letter emails highlight your accomplishments and motivate the hiring manager to read your resume and set up an interview. In this article, we offer advice on the best ways to prepare an email cover letter, the important steps you should take before sending.

  6. 2023年9月26日 · Updated: 26/9/2023. A cover letter is your first impression to a potential employer and should be compelling, succinct and professional. It’s an opportunity to quickly tell the employer which role you’re applying for and why you’re interested in it. Therefore, it’s best if they are individually tailored for each job. Can I save my cover letter?

  7. Cover Letter Templates. A cover letter is the first step to a job application. How can you raise the chance of getting an offer? CTgoodjobs prepared four cover letter templates with writing tips to help you succeed in your job hunting.

  8. 2019年4月26日 · 許多求職者往往只注意履歷的撰寫,卻忽略了求職cover letter重要性。 又或是精心準備好了履歷、自傳,求職信卻沒有吸引HR的目光,喪失的寶貴的機會,為了避免這些錯誤,就讓我們來看看以下的重點原則和示範,教你輕鬆利用 求職信 (Cover Letter) 吸引 ...

  9. Having a poorly written cover letter email can cost you a job opportunity. Use the email cover letter sample & tips to send the perfect email cover letter.

  10. 2021年2月26日 · Get inspired by our 20+ Cover Letter samples – use them to craft your own job-winning application. *Well email you a link to download these Cover Letter samples. Why Write a Job Application Email. “Why can’t I just send an email cover letter?” It’s not that you can’t! Sending an entire Cover Letter in email format isn’t unacceptable.