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  1. 2020年2月3日 · Jobsdb content team – updated on 03 February, 2020. Share. 如果說CV是你向HR推銷自己的工具那麼求職信Cover Letter就是打開這扇門的鎖匙。 HR未看你的CV前,最先接觸的就是求職信。 求職信是闡述CV重點的機會,也可以傳達沒有寫在CV中的相關事項,例如一些過往的工作重點、求職原因(轉行、遷居至其他國家或城市等)。 精心撰寫的求職信可以展現你的職業素養,還可以助你在芸芸的求職者中脫穎而出。 因此,如希望提高取得面試的機會率,不妨為每份想投寄的工作度身訂造一封無可匹敵的求職信。 放還是不放? 哪些情況不用加入求職信 (Cover Letter) ?

  2. 2014年7月20日 · A cover letter is like a sales letter. It should answer the employer's needs and requirements. That is to say, it is very employer-centered. Before you begin your cover letter, make sure that you have done a sufficient research on the employer, and read through all the requirements posted on the ad.

  3. 畢業生Cover Letter 5大需知. 放假前指定動作──寫自動回覆E-mail 3大段落鋪排加入4個休假情景(附範例). 【聖誕新年賀詞懶人包】Merry Christmas未必人人啱聽?. 必學20句簡單祝福及電郵賀詞. 大學生必學5招 寫出高質Cover Letter (附sample)!. 鋪排層次分明 輕鬆 ...

  4. 2024年3月22日 · Five great email cover letter templates for different jobs. Tips and examples to help you write the best letter in the stack. Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this. Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from 18+ cover letter templates and download your cover letter now. Create your cover letter now.

  5. 2021年2月26日 · Get inspired by our 20+ Cover Letter samples – use them to craft your own job-winning application. *We’ll email you a link to download these Cover Letter samples. Why Write a Job Application Email. “Why can’t I just send an email cover letter?” It’s not that you can’t! Sending an entire Cover Letter in email format isn’t unacceptable.

  6. 2023年12月1日 · 1. Make it easy to read. The average recruiter spends very little time looking at an email. If you want your job application to stand a chance, your email cover letter format must be clear and easy to read, even on a smartphone. Each paragraph should only be one to three sentences long.

  7. Email cover letter. We often use email as an informal means of correspondence, but when a job advertisement asks for a cover letter and resume to be forwarded via email, it’s time to ramp things up a notch. Your cover letter email will create a hiring manager’s first impression of you, so it’s important to make it a good one.