雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Observe Time Temperature Weather WindDir Wind BS m/s Gust BS m/s Visibility (km) Humidity (%) Pressure (hPa) Rainfall (mm) Sunshine

  2. 0108/01/23 志工聯繫會報1 盈真 13 18 31 3 4 7 0108/2/16 周六講座:漫遊星際的風火雷電 李德 1 1 2 5 1 6 0108/2/19 IRS即時反饋系統及HiTeach互動教學系統 謝婕妤 10 7 17 4 3 7 0108/2/20 週三影片:來自外太空&太陽風暴 0 1 1 2 0 0 0108/03/16 周六講座: ...

  3. order to maintain such speed and overcome gravity, the satellite must be located at an altitude of 35,800 km above the equator. The geostationary operational meteorological satellites that are currently received are Japan's Himawari-9 (located at 140.7˚E±0.1˚

  4. 案由一:有關本局提 (性別業務亮點案例 )一案,請討 論。 說明:交通部為召開性別平等專案小組第7屆第4次會議,請所屬各機關提報業管業務與性別議題結合成果,並將於彙集及審議所屬各單位報事項後,擇優 安排於該部性平小組會議報告。有關本局各單位

  5. 案由二:本局第四組提 (精進氣象雷達與防災預警計畫 ) 性別影響評估檢視表如附件4,提請討論。 說明:上述修正計畫之性別影響評估檢視表業由該組委請 本小組莊委員喬汝(外聘委員)評估完成,委員評估 意見詳如檢視表,請討論。 決議 ...

  6. Protect yourself from direct sun, stay hydrated, and be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. Keep the indoors cool and well-ventilated. It is advisable to take measures to cool off, such as using fans or applying ice packs.