雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This programme is the first government-funded full-time undergraduate programme in medical laboratory science in Hong Kong. The programme curriculum consists of university-based education and medical laboratory science-specific subjects, which are integrated with clinical training in medical laboratories in Hong Kong.

  2. The aim of the MMLS program is to equip students to become qualified medical laboratory technologists (MLTs), responsible for conducting tests accurately, analysing results and providing essential information for patient diagnosis and treatment.

  3. The programme is designed for the transformation of the logistics industry under the new economy. It aims to provide students with the use of information technology and managerial approaches in improving inbound logistics, production and outbound logistics so as to create value for the customers. Characteristics.

  4. 2021年7月20日 · 首先MLS呢一科係一個4年制嘅課程,而課程可以分成四大範疇: 1️⃣Cellular pathology (細胞病理學) 我哋主要會喺病人身上切除唔同器官嘅組織,再將呢啲組織化驗,睇下有冇一啲病變嘅細胞準備變cancer。 2️⃣Haematology& transfusion Science (血液及輸血學) 簡單啲咁講我哋會將血液嘅成份作化驗,睇下唔同血細胞嘅變化,同埋留意有冇一啲同造血系統有關嘅疾病 例如血癌。 3️⃣Medical Microbiology and Virology (醫療微生物及病毒學) 呢個範疇主要係對唔同嘅病毒&細菌作分析,例如今時今日嘅武漢肺炎病毒測試都會係交俾呢個範疇嘅化驗人員去負責㗎!

  5. Medical Laboratory Science is an essential scientific discipline in the healthcare sector. Medical laboratory scientists conduct laboratory analysis of clinical samples, which assists in disease diagnosis, treatment, risk assessment and the investigation of underlying disease mechanisms.

  6. Our programme is the first full-time Government-funded programme in medical laboratory science (MLS) in Hong Kong. Our graduates are eligible for direct. registration (Part II) with the Medical Laboratory Technologists Board of Hong Kong.

  7. The BSc (Hons) in MLS programme requries a student to complete 125 academic credits and 10 clinical credits for work integrated education attachment for graduation. The academic credits include General University Requirement (GUR)

  8. Created Date 9/20/2021 4:10:11 PM

  9. 2019年1月31日 · Part 1其實唔難升嘅,出place嘅時候好多師兄師姐都係基本上3-4年就part 1。 係由amt升做mt難啫. 埋土書生2019-01-31 20:34:28. 不要再說了 完sem又要實習. 薛丁格隻貓2019-01-31 20:35:09.

  10. 2018-5-22. 發短消息 加為好友. Polyu MLS master interview. #1. 發表於 2021-6-8 22:59. 只看該作者. 大 中 小. 繁 簡. 收到master interview 通知,請問會問咩問題?.