雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. According to estimation, the droughts and fires induced which occurred in this period in South Asian countries and Australia caused a total damage of US$3.5 billion. On the other hand, the floods also caused American countries in the eastern Pacific region US$2.5 billion in damage.

  2. 2012年6月梅雨實驗中,所有的同化實驗相對於CTR實驗都能 模擬出南部山區的降雨,降雨分布較接近實際降雨。然而 RADAR實驗的南部山區降雨強度較強,而同化ZTD觀測資料會 修正全台的降雨強度。 整體來說,所有同化實驗對於降雨模擬有較好的改善

  3. 07fW11218 中央氣象局 1週天氣預報 發布時間:112年 8月21日23時 0分 有效時間:自 8月22日 0時起至 8月28日24時止 一、天氣概況: ,各地山區有局部大雨發生的機率,22日、23日晚間

  4. Department of Commerce // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration // 4 System & Infrastructure Enhancements Framework upgrade to HWRFV4.0a with bug fixes Optimize and unify the domain sizes of ghost domains used for initialization and DA

  5. 07fW11226 中央氣象局 1週天氣預報 發布時間:112年 8月22日11時 0分 有效時間:自 8月22日12時起至 8月28日24時止 一、天氣概況: 西半部山區有零星短暫陣雨,清晨至上午雲林以南沿海地

  6. Monitoring impact factors of Taiwan’s climate variability 4 AO Siberian High East Asian winter monsoon Mei-yu front Pacific High East Asian summer monsoon Climate Services 13 Feb •Spring rain outlook Apr •Plum rain outlook Jun •TC outlook Aug •Autumn outlook

  7. Explanation. Tide Tables 2012 contains predictions of high and low tides for the coming year. Those predictions are obtained based on the harmonic analyses of tidal observation data at each tide station. In this book, we provide a pair of corresponding tidal height predictions in two columns.

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