雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年7月26日 · Rebun Island is home to more than 300 kinds of alpine flowers, including the rare orchid variety rebunense (Rebun lady’s slipper orchid) and other flowers found only on this island. It’s known as the Floating Islands of Flowers because its higher latitude allows

  2. 2018年4月27日 · From Hokkaido to Okinawa, there are countless reasons for flower fans to fall in love with Japan's 34 flower-filled national parks. Let's take a look at some of the flowers you can hope to find depending on the season!

  3. 2019年1月23日 · Over three hundred types of alpine flowers bloom on Rebun from the end of May to the end of September. Many tourists visit yearly to see flowers found only on the island, like the Rebun lady’s slipper orchid and Rebun-usuyuki-so, a species of edelweiss.

  4. 2018年4月27日 · From June hydrangeas to September spider lilies, here are 30 reasons for flower fans to fall in love with Japan's 34 flower-filled national parks!

  5. 「池坊(いけのぼう)」是日本花道藝術的創始,擁有最長的歷史,是日本插花藝術的根源,該流派至今仍擁有最多的會員數。 據說池坊是在14世紀,由一位日本遣唐使將唐朝的佛前供花文化帶回後,在日本慢慢衍生出的風格。 因受到佛前供花文化的影響,池坊對於花材的展現也擁有較為嚴格的規則及嚴謹的配置。 其中「立華」是池坊的一大特色,由佛前供花演變而來,透過花材的配置來展現纖細的線條。 此外,「型」是池坊流派相當注重的一環,作品風格多呈現直立高挑的噴水形式,藉此模仿山水等大自然景色。 https://pixta.jp/photo/37129510. 花道中的「小原流(おはら)」流派興起於明治中期。

  6. 2018年7月26日 · Gardens Flowers Japanese Countryside PR Summer Hokkaido. pixabay.com. From sweet-smelling lavender to bright sunflowers, summer in Hokkaido is a colorful affair! Check out the best three flower fields of Japan's northernmost island, and start planning your blossom-filled summer vacation. The Lavender Fields of Farm Tomita.

  7. 2018年5月19日 · Natural. 30 Spectacular Flower Spots in Japan. Trip101 Updated May 19, 2018.