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  1. release letter domestic helper 相關

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  1. 2014年6月5日 · 香港多數人叫reference letter除咗證明employee响某僱主處做過之外一般會講吓表現外傭叫 release letter表示佢哋已完成contract。 我做了三款以簡單為主的,可隨意增加段落講佢点好,合用即可copy and paste自取。 (註:也可以叫佢哋draft 俾你改,更加方便) 第一種 :俾做得唔好的,乜都唔駛講,等啲僱主見完佢打電話俾你至數佢. Date : TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.

  2. 網上通知入境事務處. 根據聘用外籍家庭傭工的標準僱傭合約ID407第12條款僱主及外傭須於合約終止日期起計的7天內各自向入境事務處處長提出書面通知不論你是僱主還是外傭均可使用此免費的網上服務通知入境事務處有關終止合約事宜。 合約如提前終止,外傭只可獲准在本港逗留至合約終止後的兩個星期,或至獲准逗留期屆滿為止,兩者以較早的日期為準。 如外傭在逗留期限過後仍未離開香港,可能遭受刑事檢控。 協助和教唆外傭逾期逗留的人士同樣可能遭受刑事檢控。 網上通知提前終止外籍家庭傭工僱傭合約. 其他通知方式. 你可填妥ID407E表格或撰寫通知信,透過以下方式通知入境事務處: 郵遞. 香港灣仔告士打道7號. 入境事務大樓3樓. 入境事務處外籍家庭傭工組. 傳真. (852) 2157 9181.

    • Terminating (Dismissing) A Domestic Helper
    • Breaking Contract
    • Settle The Outstanding Payments

    On the employer side in Hong Kong, the reasons stated can have different impacts: 1. If you terminate your domestic helper because you relocate to another country, because you have financial issues or because of the death of a family member the domestic worker takes care of: in this case, your domestic helper will very likely to be treated as a “fi...

    If the domestic helper wants to break her contract, she can also state the reason in the letter but it is optional. Take a look at this sample termination letter for domestic helpers who are breaking their contract.

    We recommend to the employer that you ask your domestic helper to sign a “receipt for final payments” in which you have listed all the types of payments you gave her and their amount (annual leave, salaries…). In Hong Kong, you have to inform the Immigration Department of this change in employment within 7 days of the contract termination date – yo...

  3. 終止合約通知書. 如果您或您的工人姐姐決定提前終止合約, 法律上您需要草擬終止外傭合約通知書 ,在信中註明新的合約終止日和終止外傭合約原因。 如果雙方決定在2年外傭合約期限後不 續簽僱傭合約 ,則無需簽署和發放通知書,但您可能需要簽署離職信。 在這文件中,您必須列明您的外傭僱傭合約編號,合約的實際終止日期以及您支付給工人姐姐的所有最終款項。 您需要列出一個清單來計算您必須付給工人姐姐的費用。 您可以參考 終止外傭合約通知書樣本 。 如有爭議,雙方都可以在簽署通知書時要求第三方在場。 解僱外傭. 在僱主方面,所陳述的原因可能會產生不同的影響:

  4. 終止僱傭合約通知書 | 入境事務處. 表格 簽證 終止僱傭合約通知書. 終止僱傭合約通知書. 此類通知亦可經香港政府一站通網頁www.gov.hk/fdhterminatio n 填寫及遞交 。 補充附註. 請下載最新版本的 Adobe Acrobat Reade r及安裝亞洲字型套件 以瀏覽及列印 PDF 格式文件。 終止僱傭合約通知書.

  5. Sample Letter of Termination of Employment Contract Initiated by the Employer of Foreign Domestic Helper (FDH) Dear , I, , wish to terminate. contract as domestic helper under the Domestic Helper Contract No. (Please “ ” as appropriate) by giving you by giving you without notice. without payment in lieu of notice.

  6. Version: Chinese and English. Document Size: 2 pages. PDF File Size: 1.85 MB. This form is a notification of termination of an employment contract given by the employers of domestic helpers from abroad or the domestic helpers from abroad to the Director of Immigration, the Government of the Hong Kong SAR.