雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.town.otsuchi.iwate.jp › gyosei › zh-tw大槌町官網

    大槌町的魅力. 大槌町位於岩手縣沿岸的正中處,擁有豐富的自然景觀。. 美麗的山巒、沈水式海岸、多處的歷史古蹟等各式各樣的景勝地。. 還有具懷舊風情的山村景觀也是大槌的魅力。. Previous. Next.

  2. 2011年3月11日 · The town of Otsuchi established a Master Plan for Reconstruction on December 26, 2011, which provides the hazard area maps based on the tsunami simulation, and highlights priority projects including town re-demarcation, collective relocation of residents, school relocation, public housing construction and other related projects.

  3. People of Otsuchi The central players of the town of Otsuchi are the people who are attractive and full of individual character. Even after the earthquake disaster, people continue to embrace nature, and make strides towards the rebuilding. In this section, we will

  4. 四年前,那超越想像的巨大海嘯在瞬間毀滅了我們的家鄉,許多許多人都因此而犧牲了性命,實在是史上未曾有的大慘狀。. 我們本著「大槌町東日本大震災海嘯復興基本計畫」,努力推廣各種企劃,儘管面臨著很多的難題也一一克復,一同朝著復興家鄉的目標 ...

  5. 訪問 我本來是在造船廠工作,得知正在招募定置網漁作的漁師而轉職。由於還是新手,所以有關魚群與捕魚的重點還在研習之中。此後將主要針對鮭魚的定置網漁作、海帶與扇貝的養殖方面努力。震災使得漁師與水產加工業者減少許多,像我這樣的新手要更加加油,但是還有許多想努力卻踏不出 ...

  6. www.town.otsuchi.iwate.jp › gyosei › enOfficial Site of Otsuchi

    Located along the mid-point of the coastline of Iwate Prefecture, Otsuchi is blessed with abundant nature. Gorgeous mountains, coastal inlet areas, numerous historic sites and ancient temples – the town is full of attractions. The scenery with elegant old mountain villages is another charm of Otsuchi.

  7. 本來在311大地震的六年前開始經營的餐廳,在海嘯過後整個全毀。. 為了努力在組合屋裡經營一個自己的店面,身兼多職,來籌措資金。. 本店在平成26年12月終於如願的開張了。. 當地的許多客人都過來捧場。. 身為漁夫的我,堅持店裡使用的都是當天新鮮的食材 ...

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