雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年7月5日 · Seven Bank allows foreign residents to open an account through the post (with no need for a seal) while providing online banking services in English via their website and mobile app. So if you’re happy to do all your banking digitally, this can be a great option.

  2. 2017年1月26日 · There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before sitting down.

  3. 2019年3月18日 · And your benefits will be reduced or suspended if your total monthly income is more than ¥280,000 while below 65, or more than ¥460,000 at 65 or above. The National Pension plan is much simpler to calculate. As of 2018, if you were enrolled for 40 years, your Old-age Basic Pension amount is a modest ¥779,300 per year.

  4. 2019年4月10日 · We broke down the denominations and some interesting facts about Japanese currency in a previous article, so this time we'll focus on the notes that are soon to change—the ¥1,000, ¥5,000 and ¥10,000, plus the ¥500 coin—and see how they compare to their counterparts, which have been in circulation since 2004.

  5. 2017年8月23日 · Japanese Level: N5. Amazon ranks at the JLPT N5 level for a series of reasons. First, even if you're new to Japan, Amazon most likely exists in your country, and the website layout and functions are almost the same all over the world. Second, you can set up the website to show up directly in English, a foolproof way to shop.

  6. 日本Outlet購物一直是來日本旅遊的朋友們行程清單中必去的行程。其中日本集中了許多必去的購物中心,能以划算的價格買到眾多知名品牌的商品,而且商品種類齊全,來一趟絕對收穫滿滿。來日本觀光度假體驗日本文化,享用各種美食的同時,也別忘了到日本各大Outlet大買特買,來一場說走就走的 ...

  7. 2016年9月15日 · Japan’s traditional sake breweries are known as sakagura. Kashima, a city in Saga Prefecture, came up with the concept of “sake brewery tourism,” where visitors tour breweries and sample the rich brews each sakagura offers. The chance to savor so many fine sakes has drawn travelers from both Japan and abroad, and proven to be a huge success.

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