雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 二手傢俬店 2 nd chance 相關

  2. 電話:04-24063799,傳真:04-24060960,公司所在地:臺中市大里區大元里夏元路6之3號. 營業項目:精密鑽石切割機,泛用型切割機,鑲埋成型機,研磨拋光機,材料檢測


  1. 2024年4月5日 · 二手車買賣合約時的注意事項. 簽訂二手車輛買賣合約時,除了列明上述所列的資料,同時也要注意下列事項:. 仔細閱讀合約條款才簽署. 核實雙方身份證明文件或商業登記証. 細心檢查底盤/車輛識別號碼、引擎號碼與車輛登記文件 (牌簿)上所登記的是否 ...

    • Check The Car Before Purchase
    • Certificate of Clearance
    • Car Insurance
    • Insurance Cover Note
    • Notice of Transfer
    • Approved Transfer of Ownership

    The first thing you should do is check the car's service history to confirm the mileage stated by the seller. An independent source can ensure this, and that the car is in good running order. The Hong Kong Automobile Association offers this service (391 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Tel: 3583 3628)

    To guard against being stuck with a seller's outstanding fixed penalty tickets, and to avoid being subject to a license suspension (if the former owner failed to disclose such information), we suggest applying to the Licensing Office for the relevant Certificate of Clearance, before initialising the actual transfer. The certificate is issued free o...

    In Hong Kong it is mandatory to either own fully comprehensive motor insurance, or at the very least third-party insurance cover, for any person to drive a vehicle on the road. The punishment for ignoring the requirement for a compulsory third-party policy is a fine, up to 12 months in prison and a 1 to 3 year driving ban. Be aware that on the tran...

    Before the transfer of ownership can take place, you as a buyer need to ask for a copy of thevehicle registration documentfrom the owner. This copy can be sent to an insurance broker to generate a quote (based on the model, engine size, etc.), and a temporary insurance cover note can be issued to you. Make sure to take this on the day of the transf...

    Both the buyer and seller need to have signed and duly completed TD 25 forms (and here), as proof that the transferor and transferee agree to the transaction (who must also both declare the transaction price of car on the form). This is the Hong Kong Transport Department's Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Vehicleform, and both an original from ...

    Submitting the Notice of Transfer doesnot mean that the transfer of ownership of a vehicle is complete. It will be approved when the vehicle registration document is issued to the new registered owner, and is specified with an effective date of transfer of ownership. If you are considering buying a second-hand vehicle, contact the expertsat Kwiksur...

  2. 2023年12月7日 · 大家常用的 Facebook 也可以找到二手車但並非二手車群組而是當中的 Marketplace 網上售賣平台。 準買家先在 Marketplace 的類別中選擇車輛,再從刊登日期、價格、新舊狀態等進行篩選,找出心儀的車盤。

  3. 2024年4月26日 · 要買平價二手車當然要貨比三家你可以找二手車經銷商例如在九龍灣設有展銷中心的大昌行易手車。 部分代理商,例如 BMW,亦會售賣二手車。 不過,這些代理商很可能只有少量二手車可供選購,如果你打算試車,最好先跟他們聯絡,約定時間。

  4. 31/10/2016. 香港擁有綿長的海岸綫,地勢山巒起伏; 獨特的地理環境固然秀麗,但亦限制了城市的發展規模。 因此,要滿足全港770萬人口的住屋需求,樓宇都只能向上發展。 近年的新型住宅大廈一棟比一棟高,單位面積卻一個比一個細;狹窄的居住環境,令發生意外的風險大大提升,尤其是火災。 在這篇文章,讓我們來看看本港各種 家居保險 計劃,以及索償申請的情況。 提供火災保障的家居保險. 眾所周知,香港樓價之高,全球數一數二。 很多人花盡積蓄,亦只能換來一個蝸居。 由於上車不易,很多人都只能選擇租樓。 例如,根據香港屋宇署的最新數據,全港有近三成人口租住公屋單位,接近54%則住在私人單位,當中有不少都是租客。

  5. 2024年4月10日 · 28car 上的車盤數目多不勝數,是香港最大型的二手車買賣網站。各式各樣的汽車品牌及車型,甚至是電單車、汽車零件,甚至車牌號碼也可以在 28car 上找到。 今次快而保特別為初次接觸 28car 的朋友來個詳細放盤教學,以及如何可以增加車輛的吸引力。

  6. 2024年4月26日 · 之不過香港的 二手車 貶值速度相對較快,以一部 7 年車齡的寶馬 BMW 2 系旅行車計算,因為維修費用較高,其價值或只有新車價的 1/5。 相反,同年份的日本品牌的七人車因較受用家歡迎而且維修費較低,故此二手價值較高,貶值程度亦較少。