雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我做好了產品注冊,現在要做什麼? 你將於不久時間內收到一封電子郵件確認通知,證明你已經成功完成產品線上注册。 為什麼我沒有收到確認郵件? 我們的數據管理系統自動發送確認電子郵件給客戶。 請檢查你的垃圾郵件設定和垃圾郵件夾。 它可能標誌成垃圾郵件,你需要把我們的電子郵寄地址標記為“安全”。 如果問題仍然存在,請檢查你的電子郵寄地址是否有錯誤。 如果我需要提出保修索賠,Oakley授權經銷商或客戶服務中心會否要求我提供購買證明? Oakley授權經銷商:請出示產品注册的確認電子郵件。 保修服務中心:除了你的產品注册確認電子郵件,也可以提供你用於注册產品的電子郵件地址/電話號碼。 我們的客戶服務團隊將使用你所提供的資訊,為你提供詳細資訊。 Oakley products.

    • What Oakley Eyewear Can I Register Online?
    • What Warranty Support Am I Eligible for?
    • Why Can't I Find The Dealer I Purchased from?
    • Why Does My SKU Number Keep Showing Up as invalid?
    • Why Won’T My Receipt upload?
    • What If I Received My Product as A Gift and I Don't Have A receipt?
    • I Registered My Product, Now What?
    • Why Didn't I Get A Confirmation email?

    Online Registration is available for: 1. Sunglasses 2. Custom Eyewear 3. Optical Frames Excludes Standard Issue, Military Eyewear & Replacement Parts. Eyewear must be registered within 1 year from the date of purchase.

    All Oakley eyewear is warranted against breakage due to material or workmanship defect for two years from the date of purchase with a valid Proof of Purchase. Oakley’s warranty program does not cover scratched lenses. Additionally, any alterations of Oakley products (i.e. sunglasses fit with non-Oakley prescription lenses) will void warranty covera...

    Make sure you've entered the correct city for your dealer, as only dealers within the chosen city will be available to choose from. If you cannot find your dealer, the store may have closed/moved or you may have purchased your eyewear from an unauthorized seller. This may result in the selling of fraudulent or counterfeit product. If this is the ca...

    If your SKU starts with "OO” or “OX” (e.g. OOxxxx-xx or OX-xxxx-xx), ensure that "OO" & “OX” are letters, not zeros.
    If the problem continues, please contact Oakley Customer Care (oakleyinfo@hk.luxottica.com) to validate the SKU number you are trying to register.

    Please ensure your receipt is a PDF, PNG, or JPEG file under 2MB in size. Images over 2MB in size won’t go through.

    All Oakley products require a valid proof of purchase in order to make a valid warranty claim or complete the product registration process.

    You will receive a confirmation email shortly after you have successfully completed registering your product online.

    Our data management system is designed to automatically send confirmation emails to customers. Please check your spam settings and spam folder. It may mark it as spam, which you’ll need to reverse by marking our email address as ‘safe’. If the problems persists, please check your email address for errors.

  2. 其他人也問了


  4. 缺陷是因人為意外、疏忽、使用不當、擅自修理或改裝所造成之直接或間接損壞; c. 偽冒產品和產品防偽碼已被刪除、擦除、污損、塗改或無法辨認。

  5. 你向公司提交的任何及所有訊息,郵件,看板帖子,想法,建議,或其他材料,均為公司獨家財產的,公司應當有權永久使用你提交的任何類型材料,並包括任何及所有媒體,無論是現在已知的或以後的設計。 當你提交材料到本網站,即表示你同意,公司有權發佈上述任何此類材料,包括用於宣傳和廣告目的,而不包括給你任何類型的補償。 所以,我們說明請不要傳送你的原創使用給我們,例如:故事,產品想法,目錄想法或原創作品。 然而,如果你選擇這樣做,你將永遠將所有的版權利及原創材料給予我們公司。 如你傳送任何材料給予我們公司,你代表並保證你擁有所有必要的權利,所有版權和許可證,保證本公司不會違反或侵犯任何第三方廠商的權利。 本公司沒有義務監察公告板服務、聊天室、張貼區、新聞群組、論壇和網上社群/或其他資訊或通訊設施。

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