雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 创造引以为傲的未来. 160 余年来,我们坚持推动亚洲和全世界的商业与繁荣。. 中国有巨大的增长潜力,可以推动扩大贸易、商业和繁荣。. 凭借着我们广泛的全球业务、强大的本地业务、独特的见解,结合我们持续的投资,我们有能力把握中国的机遇 ...

  2. Sales - Standard Chartered

  3. 奖项. 除了2024年大中华区“女性至臻职场”奖项,渣打中国在2023 及2022 年赢得了诸多人力资源方面的奖项,如 “中国杰出雇主2023” 、怡安中国 “2022中国最佳ESG雇主”、前程无忧“2022人力资源管理杰出奖”、“2022年中国典范雇主” 及 “企业ESG影响力典范奖 ...

  4. Located at the heart of GBA in Guangzhou city, the Standard Chartered GBA Centre, launched in August 2021, supports the dynamic and fastest growing opportunities in the new economy sectors in the region, serving the cross-border needs of clients across consumer, private, business, corporate, commercial, and institutional banking.

  5. 2024年7月4日 · Programme Care. 渣打員工向來積極投入社區。. 於2020年,渣打香港有近半員工參與義務工作,貢獻了超過3,750天的社區服務。. 另外,為促進僱員的身心健康,渣打員工創立了名為 Programme Care 的組織,多年來為員工舉辦不同範疇的活動,包括運動消閒、親子 ...

  6. Enjoy up to a total of HKD2,000 Rewards at designated MTR Malls. Upon making designated spending amount to enjoy up to HKD250 MTR Malls eVoucher and HKD50 MTR Malls Dining eCoupon with your credit cards. Learn More. It is a Quacking Celebration! Standard Chartered wishes your fortune grow.

  7. Standard Chartered is a leading international banking group, with a presence in 53 of the world’s most dynamic markets and serving clients in a further 64. Our purpose is to drive commerce and prosperity through our unique diversity, and our heritage and values are expressed in our brand promise, here for good.

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