雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港滙豐. 協助. 喪親指引. 親人離世是人生最為困難的時刻。. 我們明白,當您經歷悲傷時,處理實際問題並做出重要的財務決策更會讓您不勝負荷。. 我們旨在於這些步驟和決策中為您提供協助與支援。. 當您的親人離世後,有一些程序您需要盡快處理。. 當您 ...

  2. 1. 及早起步. 很多都以為只要臨近退休或者滿頭白髮的時候,才需要開始思考退休。. 但您這樣想就錯了,因為退休不一定是老年人的「專利」,無論您在哪個人生階段,只要您決定不再為工作奔波,不再靠定期出糧來生活,就是退休。. 換句話來説,退休就是 ...

  3. Title Retirement_Standard_Leaflet_Sep2017_web Created Date 8/22/2017 6:15:37 PM

  4. Here are 7 key steps: 1. Start as early as possible. It's a common misconception that you should only start thinking about retirement when you're close to your final working years, or once grey hairs start appearing across 80% of your head. Retirement isn't just about your golden years; it's any time you choose to stop working or drawing a ...

  5. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...

  6. Title Retirement_Standard_Leaflet_mar_digital Created Date 2/23/2017 11:12:54 AM

  7. 無論係遊戲定現實,身邊嘅突然離開,除咗傷感亦難免感到無助;而一份合適嘅人壽保險就可 以畀您嘅家人喺面對突如其來嘅事嘅時候,更添安心。 部分人壽保險仲可以作為規劃財富嘅工

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