雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. [5月28日] 專題報導:聯邦公開市場委員會維持利率不變,鮑威爾鴿派言論提振市場情緒. 聯邦公開市場委員會連續第六次(自 2023 年 7 月份)一致投票決定將聯邦基金利率維持不... [5月3日] 滙豐每月專訊: 儘管減息或會延後,風險資產仍獲得盈利支持. 隨著美國通脹持續與聯儲局取態轉趨鷹派,市場正在預測當局或會延後減息及放緩相關步伐,我們繼續... [5月2日] 專題影片:與《金融時報》一起解鎖投資趨勢. 準備好與我們的首席投資總監開啓一段富有洞見的旅程,他們將深入探討多個影響金融市場的關鍵議題... [3月26日] 緊貼外匯市場走勢. 澳元和紐元:短期維持橫盤後,2024 年年底有望走高. 5 月22 日,紐西蘭儲備銀行傳遞出鷹派信號。 [5月27日] 每日外匯快訊.

  2. [延續幸福故事] 影片講辭: 「幸福快樂」不是大結局,而是續集的開始。 每一日,都是新一頁! 滙豐,伴隨每個角色、每個行業, 共同創寫未來,一起延續故事。

  3. 2018 HSBC New Series Hong Kong Banknotes. HSBC’s 2018 new series incorporates a unique design narrative that connects Hong Kong’s people, landmarks and nature to showcase the facets of life in Hong Kong. Facets of life in Hong Kong are portrayed through the interaction between people, as well as between people and nature.

  4. 備註. 「香港銀行同業拆息」就任何日子而言,指由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司當日上午約11時(香港時間)公佈的1個月利息期的港元香港銀行同業拆息。. 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司公佈的香港銀行同業拆息並不一定與香港銀行公會所公佈的港元利息結算利率 ...

  5. MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits are payable on a Member’s 65th birthday or on early retirement on or after reaching age 60. The accrued benefits can be paid in one lump sum or in instalments, at the Member’s election. The accrued benefits can be paid in such form and on such terms and conditions as the Trustee may, to the extent ...

  6. Last Contribution Calculator. This calculator is only applicable to employees (other than casual employees) between the ages of 18 and 65. It does not take into account situation where employees attain age 65 during a contribution period. If your employees reach the age of 65 during the contribution period, mandatory contributions are only ...

  7. Here are 7 key steps: 1. Start as early as possible. It's a common misconception that you should only start thinking about retirement when you're close to your final working years, or once grey hairs start appearing across 80% of your head.

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