雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Tai O Fishing Village on west Lantau Island is famous for its traditional Chinese stilt-house community on the water and is considered as “Venice of the Orient”. Due to its vicinity to the Big Buddha and Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car, it becomes the beloved destination among tourists in recent years.

  2. 花墟(Flower Market),顧名思義是以售賣花草盆栽,園藝工具等為主。. 這裡地方不大,但是卻是在香港大名鼎鼎的 [市集]之一。. 許多名人,例如周潤發,周星馳,德華也都前來花墟買花。. 就算不買,來這裡看一看花墟各種美麗的花卉,也會讓人心情舒暢 ...

  3. 香港杜莎夫人蠟像館. 位於凌霄閣的P1的 香港杜莎夫人蠟像館 給你與100多位名人近距離相處和拍照的機會。 無論是影視明星,政壇人物,電影形象還是體壇明星,你都有機會在這裡找到。 你可以在蠟像館的官方網站查找你感興趣的人物蠟像。 山頂除了凌霄閣,凌霄閣對面的山頂廣場也可以逛一逛。 在沒有凌霄閣之前,山頂廣場是人們觀賞山頂美景的最佳去處。 在凌霄閣和山頂廣場之間,你會看到一個廢棄的山頂纜車車廂,供遊人休息和照相。 山頂廣場裡有很多商店和餐廳,甚至頂樓還有一家國際幼兒園。

  4. What is the Ladies Market? Hong Kong Ladies Market is one of the most famous and popular street markets and as an example of the typical local street market. It stretches 1km on Tung Choi Street with over 100 outdoor stalls. Also known as the Women’s Street, it is ranked on top of many bucket and must-do attraction lists.

  5. Ngong Ping Piazza is a small plaza on the heart of Lantau Island. It stands in-between of Ngong Ping Village, the Big Buddha and Po Lin Monastery. Wisdom Path is also in the close vicinity.

  6. Blake Pier has over 110 year history and is adjacent to the Murray House at Stanley Hong Kong. It was located in Pedder Street in Central and moved here completely.

  7. Antique Street and Cat Street are two streets which are quite popular among tourists from all over the world and it seems that these special streets rank very high on each visitor’s itinerary to Hong Kong.