雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:

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  2. 台北市酒店特惠,即上Agoda訂房。 睇睇經驗證嘅顧客評價,book酒店前作精明抉擇!

    • 香港



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  1. 善用創新互動方式,成為呈現實時數據與當代藝術交匯平台。. 此互動藝術裝置,是「創富如畫」作品延伸。. 同樣將恒生指數實時動態,憑藉創新科技帶出嶄新感官享受和互動體驗。. 訪客可隨時走近屏幕,畫中展翅翱翔鳥兒會隨著訪客姿體動態 ...

  2. HSBC aspires to turn the capturing of opportunities into an art form. This art piece reimagines the movements of the Hang Seng Index as a majestic mountain range. Peaks, valleys, slopes and inclines shift according to the natural variations of the market. The installation also features elements taken from iconic banknotes issued by HSBC ...

  3. 歡迎瀏覽滙豐網上畫廊. 滙豐歡迎訪客與藝術品單獨拍照,或與藝術品「自拍」留念。. 如有需要,中心職員樂意為訪客效勞。. 當訪客進行拍照時,務請注意避免拍攝中心內其他訪客、職員或銀行內陳設資料。. 中心內嚴禁進行錄影(包括藝術品),訪客亦 ...

  4. 創富,是一門藝術,了無止境。. 本藝術作品運用每個交易日恒生指數實時變化,以山巒起伏形態實時呈現,給予訪客不一樣藝術體驗。. 這幅動態畫作千變萬化,空間感帶出機遇無盡意境。. 作品除了以巍峨山脈為主體,穿梭山峽之間更會出現各種動態 ...

  5. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › international › zh-hk了解香港文化 | HSBC

    了解香港文化. 香港是世界上最具活力城市之一,也是文化大熔爐。. 無論您是初次來港,還是已來港多次而定居,這裡都有無窮無盡獨特體驗,讓您不停探索。. 食家請注意!. 想到香港人氣食府品嘗,有什麼建議嗎?. 如果身上沒有現金,我還能夠在香港 ...

  6. When you take photos, please be mindful not to capture other users of the Centre, staff or any information displayed by the Bank. Video recording (including of the art piece) is not permitted. Neither is taking photos of other areas within the Centre. We are grateful for your kind co-operation. HSBC's Online Gallery.

  7. Data visualisation and interactive experience. This interactive art piece visually translates the real-time movements of the Hang Seng Index into a mountain landscape. Approach the installation and become part of the scenery, thriving together with us as enchanting birds follow your movements and bauhinia flowers blossom all around you.