雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 奈良美智家鄉,青森縣弘前,位於日本本州,鄰近北海道,是個盛產蘋果地方。童年是奈良美智創作重要靈感來源,尤其是故鄉青森景象。他在自傳「小星星通信」中寫道: 從小在節奏緩慢青森縣長大,那裡不像今天城市這樣工業發達,冬季很長,白雪覆蓋了全世界,外面很冷 ...

  2. 2013年3月20日 · 由All About編輯精選出日本20代女性間人氣保養品 根據膚質狀態不同,許多20多歲女生已經開始選擇針對30多歲女性為目標保養品牌,來幫助提前抗老,這時候很多日本女生 ...

  3. 生活. 【深度日本】暗藏玄機!. 2024年日本新版紙幣設計就要登場!. (下). Lynn 2023年6月20日 更新. 深度日本 日本文化. 日本紙幣設計樣式將於2024年更新,新面額一萬日圓、五千日圓、一千日圓 新版紙幣正面人物 ,將變成澀澤榮一、津田梅子和北里柴三 ...

  4. 2017年10月16日 · Many in their twenties and thirties nowadays are using dating apps and websites to find love, especially as they are generally free of charge. Tinder and OkCupid work fine in Japan, plus some local ones like Pairs and Matchbook. Thanks to your smartphone, love is now only a few feet away. You can find just about anything in Japan, from dancing ...

  5. 2017年6月9日 · May 4 saw the release of the trailer for Sekigahara, directed by Masato Harada. Premiering August 26, 2017, the movie is adapted from a historical novel by author Ryotaro Shiba, and stars Junichi Okada of J-pop group V6 as Ishida Mitsunari, leader of the ill-fated Western Army at the Battle of Sekigahara. Sekigahara was the decisive battle of ...

  6. 2020年3月6日 · Japan’s many love hotels offer couples a private space for some intimate time, typically for an hourly rate. However, despite what you might expect, love hotels are slowly beginning to shed their image as hotbeds of illicit after-hours activity. Between Japan’s small apartments and the prevalence of people living at home well into their 30s ...

  7. 2021年11月1日 · The Haruki Murakami Library at Waseda University's International House of Literature opened in October 2021. Located on the school’s Tokyo campus, it curates Murakami's publications in the original Japanese versions and multi-lingual translations, along with a hand-picked collection of books that promote the idea that "learning is just like ...

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