雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. ` 關於大賽. 「中銀香港創新先驅大賽」已經連續舉辦至第8年,持續為大專院校學生以及初創人士提供一個發揮科技才能、激發創新靈感的平台,不斷為科技創新事業播下希望的種子。 中銀香港一直致力於打造全方位數字化銀行,大力發展科技金融,向全場景智能數字化邁進,以提升客戶體驗和銀行的運營效率。 人工智能 (AI)技術的迭代發展和應用正迅速改變企業的營運模式,銀行業亦無例外。 本屆比賽分成學生組和初創組,以人工智能 (AI)技術為科技主題,融合四大指定場景主題,驅動金融科技的應用創新。 參賽資格. 分成學生組及初創組2個組別比賽, 以隊制形式參賽(人數為 2 至 5 位成員) 並須填妥報名表格及提交 計劃書. 比賽主題. 科技主題. +. 場景主題. 理財. 銀髮. 風險控制. 環境、社會和管治.

  2. 3. 每位客戶(以身份證明文件號碼計算)須於登記期內成功登記本推廣,並於整個推廣期內以合資格信用卡累積合資格簽賬達HK$10,000或以上,方可享額外8%現金回贈;每位客戶於整個推廣期可享最多HK$1,000現金回贈。. 4. 高達16%回贈包括「20X狂賞派」之紅日簽賬 ...

  3. 一齊去片睇下點賺盡積分! 中銀信用卡「20X狂賞派」 Watch on. 條款及細則.

  4. Home > Career > Job Openings. Experienced Hires. To view and apply our current job openings, please visit here. Personal Banking Risk and Integrated Management Department. Personal Banking and Wealth Management Department. Personal Digital Banking Product Department. Private Banking. BOC Credit Card (Int'l) Ltd. Global Corporate Banking Department.

  5. Kiddie Sky Savings Account. To cultivate the savings habit for your children, start from now! The colourful design of the Kiddie Sky passbook can arouse your children's interest in savings. Applicable for children who are below the age of 11. Terms and Conditions: The above product, services and offers are subject to the relevant terms.

  6. Career. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is committed to building a dynamic and rewarding workplace for our employees to pursue their career prospects and development goals. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is now seeking high-calibre talent to join us and be part of the winning team! More. Job Openings. More. Campus Recruitment. More.

  7. 中銀香港為您提供創新、專業及全面的金融服務,助您創富增值,致力成為您的最佳銀行。