雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Promise provides 24-hour quick and easy online loan services, allowing you to complete loan procedures anytime and anywhere. From application, to contract signing and fund transfer, the entire loan process can be completed on Promise's 24/7 online lending platform.

  2. 【個人信貸評級懶人包】個人信貸評級的重要性 評分過低點算好? 個人信貸評級原來對生活好重要?到底信貸評級(Credit Rating)是甚麼?如何提升或改善個人信貸評級?想了解更多信貸評級的資訊,即上邦民日本財務睇個人信貸評級懶人包!

    • 「財務中介」是甚麼?
    • 不良財務中介慣用手法
    • 避免被騙要注意


    不良貸款中介公司會從不法途徑取得市民個人資料,再致電給鎖定目標進行詐騙。然而這些不良中介的手法,其實不外乎是以下常用招數: 1. 訛稱可協助以寬鬆條款申請低息貸款,並標榜「不成功不收費」,對所選目標,尤其是對於本身已有借貸需要的人士等進行利誘。 2. 冒充律師事務所或會計師事務所,以提供如改善信貸紀錄、債務重組、會計意見等服務為藉口,詐騙大額顧問費。不少個案中,受騙人皆是因為騙徒所聲稱的專業人士身分而上當。 3. 假扮成銀行、財務公司或政府部門職員,向事主聲稱其現有私人貸款或按揭出現問題,要求重組貸款、轉按或加按。某些個案中,不良中介更會於中環等高級商業區設置辦公室,使受騙人放下戒心,以誤導其簽下借錢合約。

    想提防不良中介公司,最穩妥的方式就是直接向正規、信譽良好的財務公司借錢,如邦民日本財務等一般持有「放債人牌照號碼」的財務公司,受政府監管,一定有保障。邦民的私人貸款方案,實際年利率低至1.12%,豁免手續費,靈活切合客戶不同財務需要。 最後當然是清晰了解合約內容及細節後,方可簽約。 如果能妥善運用私人貸款,急需現金周轉時,理財自然更靈活,但不想誤墮非法財務中介公司的騙局,借錢時更要加倍注意!邦民日本財務沒有委託任何第三方中介公司,如有人致電聲稱能夠幫您向邦民申請貸款,緊記不要上當!

  3. Common Misconceptions about Loans Some people think that they are not eligible to apply for a loan with credit card debt or an existing loan, but that is not the case! As long as you have a good repayment record and credit score, you can still get a loan approved.

  4. The Personal Revolving Loan has a flexible repayment amount. Once approved, you don’t have to reapply. Resolve your urgent financial needs now! ... With PROMISE revolving loan, I can get fund whenever I need and ensure more stable cash flow! Mr. Wong 30

  5. 2018年8月31日 · 31 August 2018 Our Company has received numerous complaints from customers concerning fraudulent impersonation of our current or former staff and agents, to promote credit products. Fraudsters even use intimidate means to force bankruptcy or immediate loan ...

  6. Promise Referral Program. Existing member who successfully refer a relative/ friend to apply and withdraw the loan by 30 June 2024, referrer will receive a cash reward of HK$1,000 . Get a Personal Loan anytime, anywhere you are. The application process is quick and easy. With access to the latest information, never miss out on the latest offers.

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