雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年1月14日 · The official trailer of the anime movie Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazaro (さよならの朝に約束の花をかざろう, roughly translated as Let Us Adorn the Morning of Farewells with Flowers) was released on December 14, 2017. The film marks the directorial debut of Mari Okada, who was screenwriter for various anime ...

  2. 雨になります(轉為有雨) 天氣預報裡經常會出現表達句式。例:今日の夜、雨が雪になります(今晚,雨會轉成雪),你也可以替換「になります/になるでしょう」或「変わります/に変わるでしょう」 。例:今日の夜,雨が雪に変わるでしょう(今晚,雨會轉成雪吧)。

  3. 2018年1月17日 · Namakura Gatana, a silent short anime from 1917, is regarded as the oldest piece of Japanese animation with a surviving print, and using it as a starting point for the medium, makes anime 100 years old. In celebration, the Association of Japanese Animations has released a 15-minute video that looks back on landmark Japanese animated works. In ...

  4. 作為島國日本氣候宜人,四季分明。下面提到這些景點不僅在夏天都是知名景點,即使在冬天裡,冒著瑟瑟嚴寒當意想不到絕美冬景呈現在你面前時,想來你也會無比動容吧!盤點日本8大必看雪景,趕快交出你膠捲。

  5. 2014年7月24日 · Toei Eigamura, also known as Toei Kyoto Studio Park, is a theme park and Edo Period film set located in Kyoto. It's the only theme park in Japan where you can watch and observe actual filming of Japanese period dramas (jidaigeki). The Toei Kyoto Studio film set creates a small Edo Period town with bustling streets and traditional buildings that ...

  6. 涼涼冰泉擊打在岩石上發出悅耳聲響,充滿著自然魅力。夏初6月中旬到7約月上旬之間,在欣賞到瀑布周邊植有5,000株約10萬球紫陽花;周邊茶屋也提供有釣川魚器材出租、手打蕎麥麵體驗等服務。秋天則是漫山遍野紅葉,更有樹齡300年以上萬龍楓藏於山間,可謂是四季鮮明皆有看點。

  7. 今天我們要造訪這家造酒廠,名為 泰石酒造 ,位於沖繩中部URUMA市,除了是全日本最南端的造酒廠之外,還是沖繩唯一一家清酒製造地。. 泰石酒造主打產品名叫 黎明 ,光同一款酒就有好幾個種類,度數大多在十幾度,價格則從1,000日元到幾千日元不等 ...

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