雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Chinese residents only began owning horses in 1926, after they were admitted to membership of the Jockey Club. In 1929 Ho Kom-Tong became the first Chinese owner to win the Hong Kong Derby. By 1934 it was estimated ...

  2. The 125-year history of The Hong Kong Jockey Club mirrors the unique history of Hong Kong itself. Over the years it has played a vital role in the community's development, as well as putting Hong Kong on the international sporting map.

  3. 125週年紀念特輯. 馬會125週年及馬票開奬 (11:30) 馬會歷史篇 (2:30) 保職創職篇 (2:30) 馬票橫財篇 (2:30) 精益求精篇 (2:30)

  4. special.hkjc.com › marksix › infoHKJC


  5. Sir Phineas Ryrie, the first chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club in 1884, was also chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce and a Legislative Councillor from 1867 until his death in 1892. He originally came from ...

  6. 馬會在1999年重辦馬票,發售千馬票與市民共慶千禧年到臨,當年反應熱烈,千馬票迅速售罄。 為慶祝香港賽馬會成立125週年,馬會將於2009年10月2日起推出125週年紀念馬票,將馬會服務社群的里程碑及多匹頂級名駒一一呈現。

  7. To celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Club, The Hong Kong Jockey Club 125th Anniversary Sweepstakes which showcase the key achievements of the Club and remarkable horses over the years, will go on sale starting from 2 October 2009.

  1. 相關搜尋
