雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 政務司司長辧公室轄下行政署正推行計劃,為已在區域法院或以上法院展開法律程序、而未有獲得法律援助的無律師代表訴訟人,提供民事程序免費法律意見。 詳情請按 這裡 。 ‹ 上一頁. 返回首頁. 下一頁 ›.

  2. 我的學校計劃進行一個校內比賽,讓同學根據一些本地作家的短故事,演出不同話劇。. 我學校可以不從版權擁有人處取得許可,而進行有關活動嗎?. | Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC) 10. 我的學校計劃進行一個校內比賽,讓同學根據一些本地作家的短故事,演出 ...

  3. The legal requirements are provided in s.5 (1) of Wills Ordinance ( Cap. 30 ): It must be typewritten, handwritten or in any form of printing; It must have the testator’s signature (e.g. inked thumbprint, initials, stamped signature, mark of any shape, a name) or by some other person in his presence and by his direction; The testator must ...

  4. Revocation of Wills. Obtaining Grant of Probate (Death with a Will) v.s. Obtaining Grant of Letters of Administration (Death without a Will, i.e. Intestate) 1. Death registration. 2. Searching for a Will and gaining access to the deceased's safe deposit box in a bank. 1.

  5. What is a “sanctioned payment”? At any time after the proceedings have begun, a defendant may make a payment into court in settlement or all or part of a plaintiff’s claim. Consequence of Acceptance of “sanctioned offer” and “sanctioned payment”

  6. 若沒有遵行法定通知,會有甚麼後果?. 沒有遵行強制驗樓或強制驗窗的法定通知之業主/業主立案法團,可能會被檢控。. 屋宇署亦可能會安排其委任的顧問公司及承建商,進行所需的檢驗和修葺工程,然後向業主/法團追討檢驗及修葺工程的費用和監督費 ...

  7. CLIC is a bilingual community legal information web-site. It is a quick internet guide for the general public to find relevant legal information in Hong Kong. The project is established by the Law & Technology Centre (jointly run by the Faculty of Law and the Department of Computer Science) of the University of Hong Kong.