雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 單筆分期消費滿NT$10,000回饋NT$150刷卡金 單筆分期消費滿NT$25,000回饋NT$500刷卡金 單筆分期消費滿NT$50,000回饋NT$1,300刷卡金 指定特店 百貨:遠東SOGO百貨、遠東百貨、微風、台北101、統一時代百貨、美麗華百樂園、福華名品、京站時尚廣場、CITYLINK、明曜百貨、環球購物中心、比漾廣場、統領百貨、大江 ...

  2. Press Release Standard Chartered Bank appoints Judy Hsu as Chief Executive Officer of its Singapore operations 7 September 2015 – Standard Chartered Bank (the Bank) today announced the official appointment of Judy Hsu as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Bank in Singapore, effective 1 October 2015, subject to regulatory approval. ...

  3. 2022年10月27日 · 渣打銀行香港分行服務為您提供便捷的銀行業務,包括存款、轉賬、外匯、理財等。您可以在線預約開戶,享受優惠和專業的服務。您也可以選擇最近的分行,或者了解更多關於港澳大灣區的銀行方案。

  4. 您可憑信用卡之「現金回贈」,透過「360°全面賞」網上換領平台換領現金。. 兌換現金只適用於指定之信用卡戶口,不能合併其他信用卡之現金回贈進行換領。. (最低換領金額為每個賬戶HK$50及指定兌換單位)。. 了解更多. 如何賺取「現金回贈」?. 以任何「現金 ...

    • Appointed
    • Experience
    • Career
    • External Appointments

    Judy was appointed CEO, Wealth and Retail Banking (WRB) in January 2021 and has been a member of the Group Management Team since 2018.

    Judy’s banking career spans more than 30 years, including various leadership roles in Asia with global, regional and market responsibilities. She has deep experience in retail banking, wealth management and in developing affluent client strategies and is passionate about building diverse teams to drive resilience, adaptability and innovation.

    Judy joined Standard Chartered in 2009 as Global Head of Wealth Management where she led the strategic development and management of wealth management products, investment strategy and advisory services for the Bank. In 2015, Judy was appointed CEO, Singapore, the second highest performance contributor to the Group. In 2018, Judy was appointed Regi...

    Judy was appointed to the board of CapitaLand Limited as a non-executive and independent director in May 2021.

  5. 绽放真我「妳」不设限. 渣打中小企业银行走入女性企业家系列. 立即参与精彩活动. 你们,风采卓然自绽高光;你们,从容无畏绽放新生. 渣打联合女性企业家们,以对话走进你们的世界. 看你们无畏乘风破浪,华丽破界蜕变. 聆听即将开启,一同听「妳」说.

  6. 貴為渣打優先私人理財貴賓,期盼能為您帶來前所未有的專屬禮遇,資深客戶關係經理及資深專家團隊,提供最新市場資訊,定期檢視資產配置,伴您實現理財目標,針對個別需求與目標,為您量身打造專業投資人產品、保障傳承財富方案

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