雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 政府只有呼籲民眾注意飲食和飲水的衛生、加強廁所的清潔消毒,同時將患者加以隔離,並燒毀死者的衣物。 除此之外,1877年,日本政府還頒布《虎列刺病預防法心得》,規定患者和醫生要向行政機關報告,這就是1897年制定的《傳染病預防法》和現在實行的《感染症法》的基礎。

  2. 2021年3月8日 · The coronavirus emergency was lifted in Osaka, Kyoto, Aichi, Gifu, Hyogo and Fukuoka on February 28, a week earlier than the scheduled March 7 date as new COVID infections decrease and strain on hospitals eases in the areas. Eateries will continue to be ...

  3. 2021年2月4日 · www.youtube.com. The Japanese government has decided to extend its second state of emergency over the coronavirus by a month through March 7. The number of new cases of confirmed infections has been on the decline nationwide. But officials determined the need to continue efforts such as asking people to avoid nonessential outings after 8 p.m.

  4. 2021年10月6日 · 日本おもてなし再升級! 東京澀谷公廁「THE TOKYO TOILET」新面貌 | All About Japan. (撮影:永禮賢、照片提供:日本財團) 將西方發明的免治馬桶融入日常生活,這次日本獨有的廁所美學又有了新創舉。 2021年夏天,這間藉由開關門,玻璃便會轉為不透明的東京某處「透明」廁所,在網路上引爆了話題討論。 其實透明廁所來歷並不簡單,不僅出自日本知名建築大師 坂茂 之手,更是日本財團(THE NIPPON FUNDATION)主導的公共建設企劃「THE TOKYO TOILET」的一部分。 關於「THE TOKYO TOILET」計畫.

  5. 2020年5月8日 · In order to help mitigate the economic fallout resulting from the pandemic, the Japanese government has announced that every resident in Japan will be eligible to claim the ¥100,000 relief, and that it will not be based on age, nationality, or income. If you are not a Japanese citizen, you must be a resident of Japan.

  6. 2019年9月3日 · All travelers with IC passports arriving at Narita Airport’s Terminal 3 can use the electronic customs declaration gate! Previously the system had been in place for limited users as a test run, but now it's being rolled out for public use. Simply use a smartphone app instead of a form, scan a QR code, and you could get through the gate in ...

  7. 橫濱地標塔 (The Landmark Tower) 擁有70樓層,高相當於296公尺的橫濱地標塔,是日本第2高的大樓,從橫濱市中心抬頭就能看見,不僅是在橫濱未來港,在橫濱市內這座地標塔也可以稱得上是最具代表性的醒目建築了,因此也自然深深吸引著每一位遊客,想來這裡一探 ...