雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 日本溫泉package 相關

  2. 日語密集課程,一年達N3級程度,全面聽、講、讀、寫訓練,每週2堂,每堂3小時. 11月1日N5日語新班,名額少量,報名從速。


  1. 昂坪360推出了新的“ 360海陸空全日通 ”優惠,擁有此優惠,你可以任意玩遍大嶼山的每個角落,從昂坪天壇大佛,到綠樹叢蔭的心經間林,或者悠久的大澳漁村,你都可以暢通無阻。 昂坪360纜車. 2015年1月更新: “360海陸空全日通”包括: – 昂坪360纜車往返的車票; – 新大嶼山巴士 [/fusion_builder_column] “360海陸空全日通”成人套票的價格從港幣$245到港幣$300不等。“360海陸空全日通”的昂坪360纜車有三個選擇:普通車廂雙程,水晶車廂雙程和一程普通車廂+一程水晶車廂。 因此這個新的優惠的價格取決於你選擇哪一種車廂。

  2. 纜車全場5.7公里,是亞洲目前最長的吊掛式纜車。. 從纜車上你可以鳥瞰大嶼山的美麗風景。. 為了保護大嶼山周遭的環境不被纜車破壞,環境學家們仔細設計了纜車的線路。. 昂坪360纜車連接著東湧纜車總站和昂坪,全程需時25分鐘。. 你不僅可以看到美麗的大嶼 ...

  3. 經過前四日的旅行,如果你是跟隨我們的建議和安排,你已經差不多玩遍了香港最重要的各大景點。. 第五天的行程我們安排得隨意些,我們在下面的文字裡列出香港其他一些重要的景點,你可以根據自己的喜歡和興趣進行選擇。. 基本上這一天我們留給你自由 ...

    • A Quick Comparison of All The Hong Kong Harbour Tours
    • Aqua Luna Chinese Junk Harbour Tour
    • Dukling Harbour Tour/Junk Trip The Last Authentic Traditional Fishing Junk
    • Harbour Cruise – Bauhinia Dinning on Victoria Harbour
    • Star Ferry The Historic Harbour Ride, More Than Transportation
    • Victoria Harbour Cruise on A Luxury Yacht
    • Oriental Pearl Harbour Cruise Dinning on Victoria Harbour
    • Watertours Boat Tour
    • Water Taxi Boat Tour
    • Sightseeing Sampan Ride in Aberdeen

    There are many options for a boat tour on Victoria Harbour. How to choose the right one for your preferences? Here is an overall comparison of the available harbour tours and boat trips in Hong Kong.

    When walking along the Victoria Harbour in TST or Central, you can easily spot the red-sail Chinese junk sailing slowly over the harbour. The design of Aqua Luna and Dukling boats represent the typical fishing boat of Hong Kong, which is also used as the logo of Hong Kong Tourism Board. Taking Aqua Luna to sail on Victoria Harbour is a unique exper...

    Dukling as the first on the list because she is the only authentic Chinese junk boat on Victoria Harbour. Dukling was built in Macau in the 1950s and served as a fishing boat in Hong Kong till 1985. She was restored to her original glory and re-sails since 2005. She is truly an icon and “the only original sailing junk in Hong Kong”. Dukling represe...

    Operated by the Hong Kong Ferry Group, the Harbour Cruise – Bauhinia is a tour operator offering boat trips on Victoria Harbour. Currently, the company has four vessels with each one accommodating over 400 passengers. It is one of the only two local companies that own cruise vessels with marine restaurant license, liquor license and entertainment l...

    Taking the iconic Star Ferryis actually a no-brainer. It’s the cheapest way to cross the harbour in town. Even you don’t have time for a 45-minute boat tour. I would highly recommend taking it at least once during your stay. There are two different tours/rides: traditional ride and Harbour Tour/Water Tour (around Victoria Harbour)

    Besides the above options on the traditional junk boats, historical ferry or buffet-included large cruise, you can also rent a yacht and enjoy a luxury ride on Victoria Harbour. The yacht can take up to 25 passengers, thus it’s a great option also for special occasions. There are two yacht styles available: Chinese-style yacht (named Dreamer) and l...

    Oriental Pearl is a new luxury harbour cruise offering Victoria Harbour tour. It is also a cruise with marine restaurant license that can provide meal on board. It is a large cruise that the vessel can take over 480 guests. It is another local company that owns cruise vessels with marine restaurant license, liquor license and entertainment license....

    Watertours Hong Kong Ltd. is a subsidiary of Wing On Travel, one of the most reputable travel agencies in town. The Watertours have been established in the late 1950s and offer a wide variety of harbour tours. Currently, the company operates a double-deck boat with the bright yellow color which is unique and easily recognizable. You easily can spot...

    As its name indicates, Water Taxi serves as the transportation on Victoria Harbour daily among TST, West Kowloon, Wanchai and Central. However, it also provides also Day Tour, Night Tour and A Symphony of Lights Tour. Like all the other harbour tour operators, Hong Kong Water Taxi boat tour sails you along Victoria Harbour and offers the ultimate s...

    Sampan is a Chinese wooden boat that was widely used as a fishing boat, coastal transport as well as home for the local fishermen. It is regarded as the icon of the traditional fishing lifestyle. Having a ride on Sample is on the to-do list of many visitors. The sightseeing sampan ride is not on Victoria Harbour but in Aberdeen, south of Hong Kong ...

  4. Insider guide to Lantau Island and Ngong Ping – itinerary arrangements, sightseeing highlights, how to get there, travel tips. Guide of Lantau Island – what to do, how to arrange itinerary, how to get there, where to dine. Lantau Island, sometimes spelled as Lantao Island, can be considered as the hideaway resort of Hong Kong.

  5. 尖沙咀天星小輪. 如果你住在九龍區(例如尖沙咀,紅磡或旺角),我們建議你在尖沙咀維港乘坐 天星小輪 一游。 天星小輪是香港最著名的標誌之一,船費只需港幣$ 2.5/程(週末為港幣$ 3/程)。 記得乘坐天星小輪的上層前往中環。 尖沙咀天星小輪的入口就在香港旅遊局遊客服務中心的旁邊。 前往中環的行程大約需要8-10分鐘,你可以在船上一覽香港最著名的維多利亞港美景和兩岸標誌性的摩天大廈,例如中銀大廈,匯豐大廈,國際金融中心一座和二座。 在中環碼頭下船之後,可到斜對面的15C巴士站前往山頂纜車花園道總站,再乘坐山頂纜車登上太平山頂。 如果你居住在港島區,可以直接乘坐香港另一個標誌“叮叮”電車前往花園道附近。 “叮叮”電車 是遊覽香港最便宜的方式了。 每程只用港幣$ 2.3就可以繞著港島游個半天。

  6. Enjoy birds’eye views of spectacular skyline of Hong Kong – One should not miss. Victoria Peak offers amazing, spectacular, stunning – or as some would put it – jaw-dropping views of Hong Kong by day and night. From the Peak, you can enjoy a view of Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong skyline as well as Hong Kong Island South.

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