雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 確診80種受保危疾及情況包括癌症心臟病中風後可獲賠償 住院開支可獲部分或全數賠償

  2. 現金資助期可長達730日。若受保人需入住深切治療病房或在海外緊急入院,則可獲得 3. 68種早期嚴重疾病 自選額外保障(需繳付額外保費) 本計劃提供自選早期嚴重疾病保障(預支保額)4,若受保人在85歲3前確診任何一種受保的 嚴重疾病(涵蓋68種),此保障可預先支付基本計劃保額的20%,惟就 ...

  3. You are welcome to visit our Tai Po Branch for all banking services. Branch. Ocean Centre Premier Centre - With effect from 2 Jul 2023, this branch will open 7 days a week. Banking hours are 09:00 – 17:00 Mon to Sat and 14:00 – 17:00 Sun. (Banking hours during the Labour Day on 1 May 2024 is 14:00 - 17:00).

  4. The good news is that HSBC Comprehensive Critical Illness Protection Plan (the “Plan” or the “Policy”) offers life insurance with critical illness element. This means that if the unexpected should occur, you and your family are well protected. The Plan is not equivalent or similar to any kind of deposit. 2.

  5. 滙豐個人網上理財 - 香港滙豐. 自2022年5月起,您將可享受更簡潔的網上理財介面及更流暢的轉賬體驗。. 新介面設計將分階段推出供所有客戶使用。. 了解更多. 如果您已超過12個月未有登入滙豐網上及流動理財,為保障您的戶口安全,您或無法繼續使用實體保安 ...

  6. 營業時間 09:00 - 17:30. 尋找本地的滙豐分行,香港分行列表,香港滙豐。. 即時查看本地滙豐分行、理財易中心及自動櫃員機地址、營業時間及提供的銀行服務類別。.

  7. Call us on (852) 2233 3130. Lines are open 11:00am to 7:30pm, Mondays to Fridays except public holidays. You can also get a quote and apply online for our VHIS Flexi Plan or Swift Guard Critical Illness Plan right away. HSBC Premier Elite or Premier customer?