雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. LATEST NEWS. MACAU. Definitive guide on how to spend limited stopover time in Hong Kong: is it possible to do sightseeing and shopping; time for immigration, security check, drop luggages, travel to downtown.

  2. MACAU. Victoria Peak is the No.1 tourist attraction in Hong Kong, offering iconic views of skyline. Find out best time to go, how to get up, how to avoid crowds.

  3. Blake Pier has over 110 year history and is adjacent to the Murray House at Stanley Hong Kong. It was located in Pedder Street in Central and moved here completely.

  4. 同朋友分享:. FacebookTwitterRedditTumblr. 青馬大橋是世界上最長的行車鐵路雙用懸索吊橋,是香港引以為傲的地標之一。附近的汀九橋和汲水門大橋和青馬大橋交相輝印,你可以在青衣的西北角是青嶼山幹線訪客中心的觀景台享受這壯觀的景色。.

  5. 如果你只有一天的時間在香港停留,不妨跟隨我們香港一日遊的攻略,緊湊安排時間,遊覽香港最重要的景點。

  6. The first Gudetama character themed restaurant Gudetama Café by Izumi Curry opens in YATA Hong Kong, serving designed food and mechandises.

  7. 如果想知道怎樣才能買到貨真價實的奶粉等商品,就不要錯過這篇文章啦。 window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-23401462-1');