雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Bereavement. Notifying us. You can notify HSBC of the death after obtaining the Death Certificate of the deceased. All you need to do is to visit one of our HSBC branches with the original or certified copy of Death Certificate of the deceased. For someone who died in Hong Kong, other than Death Certificate, we also accept Certificate of Order ...

  2. 尋找本地的滙豐分行,香港分行列表,香港滙豐。即時查看本地滙豐分行、理財易中心及自動櫃員機地址、營業時間及提供的 ...

  3. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...

  4. 符合我們對於國籍(國家/地區)、地址及居住地的要求,而該規定或時有修改. 滙溢尊尚保險計劃是具備儲蓄成分的終身人壽保險計劃,由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(「滙豐保險」)承保,並非銀行存款或銀行儲蓄計劃。. 保單持有人受滙豐保險信貸 ...

  5. 投保資格. 「駿富保障萬用壽險計劃」是具備儲蓄成分的長期萬用人壽保險計劃,由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(「滙豐保險」)承保,其並非等同銀行存款計劃。. 保單持有人受滙豐保險信貸風險影響,早期退保或會招致損失。.

  6. 「滙瓏環球壽險計劃」是具備儲蓄成分的終身人壽保險計劃,由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(「滙豐保險」)承保,其並非等同銀行存款計劃。 保單持有人受滙豐保險信貸風險影響,早期退保或會招致損失。 有用資訊.

  7. 7. 若授權人在精神上失去行為能力,授權書會有何變化?. 一旦授權人在精神上失去行為能力,授權書/滙豐制定的授權書將會自動失效或被撤銷。. 假如授權人在精神上失去行為能力,只有持久授權書仍然有效。. 8. 我可否委任多於一位獲授權人?. 可以。. 假如 ...