雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年4月25日 · The Coca-Cola Frozen Lemon and the Fanta Frozen beverages will go on sale at stores around Japan at a recommended retail price of ¥130 (US$1.21) from April 16, 2018. Read full story: Coca-Cola's new Frozen Lemon slushie has been eight years in the making—and it's out April 16!

  2. 2021年1月13日 · Lake Nukabira, located in central Hokkaido, has become a fantastical canvas for one of nature’s most artistic phenomenons. Gas and other substances at the bottom of the lake freeze as they rise to the surface, becoming trapped in multiple layers and creating a multi-dimensional installation of “ice bubbles.”.

  3. 一献. 營業時間:18:00-23:30(週日公休) 平均予算:10,000~15,000日圓. 予約方法:電話+81-76-263-2121, 15點前需完成預約. 地址:石川縣金澤市片町1-4-4. 融合傳統與創新元素|町家懐石 六花. https://www.instagram.com/p/BZg-QEhFC7Q/?tagged=%E7%94%BA%E5%AE%B6%E6%87%90%E7%9F%B3%E5%85%AD%E8%8A%B1. 六花是一家懷石料理料亭,由曾經在京都料亭工作過18年的主廚主導。

  4. 2022年8月3日 · The highlight of Mount Zao is the frost-covered trees, more commonly known as Juhyo, or "Ice Monsters." They are true nature-made works of art, which can be only seen when weather conditions align just right: The temperature must drop to -5°C (23°F) and as a gentle wind blows the accompanying light snow, creating a spectacular phenomenon that ...

  5. 2019年10月11日 · 冰上的知床,在北方寒夜里大雪纷飞的世界遗产. 知床位于北海道的东北地区,读法是しれとこ(Shiretoko),在当地的原住民阿伊努民族的语言中是“大地尽头”的意思。. 知床半岛掩映在郁郁葱葱的原始森林之内,西海岸是绵延不绝的悬崖峭壁,脚下是惊涛拍岸 ...

  6. 1349年,中國人「淨因」與到中國學習的歸國僧侶一同抵達日本,礙於僧侶不能吃肉,因此氏將肉餡改用紅豆餡代替,而開創了日本新的和菓子流派。日本的饅頭類點心的始祖便是淨因,其也是當今日本知名和菓子「塩瀬総本家」の創始人。

  7. 2018年1月29日 · Freeze some yuzu, put it in a jar, add half of its weight in granulated sugar, shake and wait for the sugar to melt before putting it in the refrigerator. Yuzu-cha can be found in any Japanese supermarket; just look for a jar with ゆず茶 written on it.