雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港迪士尼乐园度假区于2011首次开展“迪士尼幻想工程香港挑战赛”,而香港是首个美国以外举办“幻想工程挑战赛”的地区。 “迪士尼幻想工程香港挑战赛”邀请本地院校的学生,发挥创意,融合技术与美术,为香港迪士尼乐园度假区设计一项全新娱乐体验。 设计概念可以是游乐设施、度假区酒店、餐厅,以至崭新娱乐表演或项目。 藉着是次机会,参赛者可一展才华,展示跨越国界的创新意念。 更多详情. “伴你高飞”奖励计划. 香港迪士尼乐园自2013年起,联同家庭与学校合作事宜委员会 (家校会)举办全港性的“伴你高飞”奖励计划。 这个计划广受全港小学欢迎,每年参加人数众多。 这个年度奖励计划给予不同才能的学生的肯定,发掘在学术以外的潜能,更鼓励家长陪同孩子追求梦想。

  2. Enroll Now. Students from selected institutions in Hong Kong are invited to use their technical, artistic and creative skills to propose concepts for an immersive experience. This represents a great opportunity for participants to showcase their talent for integrating innovative and globally diverse ideas. Key Date.

  3. Visit Hong Kong Disneyland official website to learn about our company.

  4. Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is pleased to invite registered NGOs and charities to join our Community Involvement Program (CIP), which is designed to bring joy and magical experiences to those in need across Hong Kong through park ticket donations. We are currently reviewing applications for this fiscal year.

  5. “迪士尼幻想工程香港挑战赛”邀请本地院校的学生,发挥创意,融合技术与美术,设计一项全新体验。 藉着是次机会,参赛者可一展才华,展示跨越国界的创新意念。 重要日子. 浏览“迪士尼幻想工程香港挑战赛2024”小册子. 详情. 奖励. 香港迪士尼乐园度假区实习机会. 现金奖励. 决赛队伍可获「奇妙处处通」一年会籍. 海外迪士尼乐园度假区体验. 瞭解更多. 美国幻想工程设计挑战赛. 电邮查询. corporate.citizenship.hkdl @disney.com.

  6. 社區共享計劃. 香港迪士尼樂園度假區一直邀請本地註冊社福機構及慈善團體參與香港迪士尼社區共享計劃透過捐贈樂園門票攜手將樂園的奇妙和歡樂帶給有需要的本地社群。 我們現正處理本財政年度申請,請密切留意下一階段的最新消息及相關申請公布。 如有查詢,請致電+852 3550-2638,與企業公民事務組聯絡。 祝您有開心奇妙的一天!

  7. Disney Ambassador Program. The Disney Ambassador Program at Disneyland was first conceived to mark the original Park's first decade of successful operation. Tour guide Julie Reihm was selected from thousands of candidates to be the first Disneyland Ambassador and act as the Park's official hostess and emissary of goodwill to the world. Although ...

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