雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2017年9月29日 · Rurouni Kenshin comes to picture-perfect life as photos of stage musical’s cast are released. Rurouni Kenshin trailer has rocking theme, gorgeous sets, dudes trying to stab each other. Rurouni Kitty! Sanrio’s beloved cat cosplays as anime’s iconic swordsman in plushie form. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog.

  2. 2016年2月22日 · 在這個充滿奇幻色彩的小村子裡,到現在每年都還是會有200部電視劇在這裡取景。來到這裡,就可以親身體驗到日本江戶時代的風土人情,還可以現場欣賞精彩的忍者秀表演。除此之外,還有應有盡有的變裝服飾可以讓你玩玩Cosplay!

  3. 2016年11月28日 · Himeji Castle Reborn. Himeji Castle never faced an actual battle, nor was it damaged during World War 2, so it is the most complete and unaltered surviving castle in Japan. The castle has eight structures designated as National Treasures, and seventy-four designated as Important Cultural Properties. In 1993, Himeji Castle was among the first ...

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    • 麵包超人蓮蓬頭。使用兩節2號電池,將主體放在水中,按下麵包超人的鼻子,蓮蓬頭就會噴水了。水流有分淋浴狀跟水柱狀,讓小朋友在洗澡或者戲水時更開心,在麵包超人系列玩具中,這款是最受歡迎的玩具之一。
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  4. 2017年5月15日 · 一碗长崎面下肚后便知. 在击球练习场感受全垒打的快乐吧!. 甲子园是一年一度使全日本都沸腾起来的高校野球大会。. 高校野球大会不单单是高校生的运动会。. 对日本成年人来说,为家乡的代表队加油助威是夏天的一道靓丽的风景线。. 赶快来看看夏日甲子园 ...

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  6. 2016年10月10日 · hanshin-tigers.net. Founded in 1935, the Tigers are one of the oldest baseball teams in Japan. Located in the Kansai area between Osaka and Kobe, their home field is one of the most famous baseball stadiums in Japan. In that time, they have been nurturing an intense rivalry with the Yomiura Giants. Check out our highlights of this amazing team ...

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