雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年11月22日 · 家長與子女的親密界線. 「爸爸,你來看看這則新聞!. 」媽媽拿著手機,邊皺眉邊說道:「有人拍到某父親在大庭廣眾下,不斷親吻女兒的背部和頸項,而且還伸手到女兒的衣服內亂摸。. 這樣的父親真的太過份了吧?. 這是他的女兒呢!. 爸爸聽了也 ...

  2. 荷蘭一個超過十年、包括了兩百萬家庭的研究,發現頭胎生女兒的家庭,父母分手或離婚的機率比只有兒子或先有兒子再生女兒的家庭高。 - 香港家庭計劃指導會

  3. 賽馬會「高危配偶遺傳病基因篩查」計劃簡介. 家計會性健康教育短片「時刻關注 守護乳房健康 (1)」 (手語版). 如何回答孩子性問題 (6) 私隱部位男女有別. 本會為國際計生聯會員機構. 鳴謝. 香港家庭計劃指導會 (家計會) 為志願機構,致力為港人提倡、推廣及 ...

  4. The Family Planning Association provides termination of pregnancy in accordance with the Law. Medical and counselling services are provided before and after the abortion. All FPAHK clinics provide consultation and applicants should prepare to visit us at least twice before termination of pregnancy can be offered.

  5. 近日友人就與筆者分享了一個神奇故事:某天,友人看見四歲的女兒正在畫畫,畫中看似有三人在追逐嬉戲,她在好奇之下便問女兒畫中的人在做甚麼。

  6. 2021年1月5日 · The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) announced the appointment of Dr LAM Wai-cheung, Mona as its Executive Director, effective 1 January, 2021. Dr Lam is a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with 20 years of professional expertise in public hospitals.

  7. The Pregnant Woman's Options. The pregnant woman can choose to continue with the pregnancy or to terminate it by having an abortion. This is different from a natural abortion (miscarriage) which was caused by problems during pregnancy.

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