雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月11日 · 5月初的黃金週是日本的長期連假之一,每年都會舉辦眾多傳統活動,是體驗日本祭典的絕佳季節。 4月 百花盛開,爭相競豔。 許多春季活動都以賞花為主,其中最令人期待的就是賞櫻活動。除了「千代田櫻花祭」與「上野櫻花祭」之外,在都立小金井公園內的江戶東京建築園前廣場也會舉辦「小金 ...

    • Koinobori Festival
    • Kanda-Matsuri Festival
    • Sanja Matsuri
    • Kurayami Matsuri
    • Jindai Botanical Gardens Spring Rose Festival
    • Tokyo Port Festival
    • Kachiya Matsuri
    • Design Festa

    In Japan, May 5 is celebrated as Children's Day. It's a tradition to decorate your garden with koinobori (carp-shaped streamers) as a way of praying for the healthy growth of your children. 333 koinobori are displayed at Tokyo Tower, which is 333 m tall. At TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN, you can see over 1,000 koinobori swimming in the breeze.

    Kanda Myojin Shrine's Kanda-matsuri Festival is considered one of the three great festivals of Edo (as Tokyo was once called). Its roots can be traced back to the 8th century. The "Honmatsuri," or main festival, is held every other year in odd-numbered years. A scaled-down "Kagematsuri" is held in even-numbered years. However, the Kagematsuri is pu...

    The three-day Sanja Matsuriin mid-May honors the three men involved in founding the famous Sensoji Temple in Asakusa. It offers a great opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the old heart of Tokyo. Expect lots of music, portable shrines, and delicious festival food.

    This festival is held at Okunitama-jinja Shrine. It is called the "Darkness Festival" because the procession of mikoshi (portable shrines) takes place at night. Kurayami Matsuri takes place between April 30 and May 6. Note however that the rituals held between April 30 and May 2 are not open to the public. From May 3 on, there are exciting events h...

    The Jindai Botanical Gardens are home to Tokyo's largest rose garden. It has around 5,200 rosebushes of 400 varieties. The best time to see them is during the Spring Rose Festival, which is planned to feature events such as concerts and markets. You can also buy rose-related food and souvenirs. There are benches and tables set up in the gardens, so...

    The Port of Tokyo was opened to international trade on May 20, 1941. Each year, the Tokyo Port Festivalis held in honor of the occasion. Numerous organizations associated with the port host a variety of events, such as tours and rides on specialized ships.

    Kachiya Matsuricommemorates an event that took place nearly 1,100 years ago, when Taira no Masakado took arms against the imperial court. After praying for good fortune at Katori-jinja Shrine, Fujiwara no Hidesato (a court bureaucrat) succeeded in suppressing the revolt. He then gifted a bow and arrow to the shrine as a token of gratitude and named...

    Design Festais a huge international art and design event. Held at Tokyo Big Sight, it brings together over 10,000 artists representing a broad range of creative activities, including music, painting, fashion, crafts, photography, performances, and more. At Design Festa, visitors can hear directly from artists about their work, and can participate i...

  2. 行程介紹. 雖說位於大都城的中心地帶,皇居東御苑卻擁有大面積綠色植被。 對於以巨大能量日夜運轉的密集大都市東京來說,這裡可謂是一個休息場所。 園內有許多歷史建築物,可以一邊接觸日本的近代歷史,一邊觀賞日本的樹木草花、日本獨特的建築物和庭園的美景。 ※皇居東御苑週一、週五休園. 路線. 東京觀光信息中心 新宿高速巴士總站 → 新宿站 → 東京站 → 皇居外苑 → 皇居東御苑(週一、週五休園) → 大手町站或東京站(解散) 導遊服務介紹. 由志工為您提供導遊服務,主要搭乘大眾運輸工具或步行。 導遊服務的參加人數最多為5人。 同行導遊人數固定為2人。 同行導遊所需費用由各位參加者負擔。 本簡介所標示費用為1位參加者所需費用。 收費視參加人數多寡而變動,實際費用將由事務局透過電子郵件與您連絡。

  3. 2024年5月5日 · 2024-5-5. Updated: April 1, 2024. 距今約一千年前,平將門起兵和日本朝廷對抗。 追討高手藤原秀鄉於上戰場前到香取神社齋戒祈禱,並祈求戰爭勝利,後來成功地平定亂事。 藤原秀鄉大喜,認為這場勝利是神的保佑。 他為了感謝神助的恩賜,於是在香取神社捐獻弓箭,並為慶祝吉利祥瑞而取名為「勝箭」。 此後,扮裝成勝利而喜悅的武士的信徒們到香取神社遊行並供獻勝箭的儀式,一直傳承至今。 ※武者隊伍會在新橋大通、明治通、藏前橋通、香取大門通遊行。 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 亀戶站 | 步行8分鐘. JR總武線. 網站. 東京東部. 東京晴空塔. 關鍵詞. 5月. 春. 開放時間. 12:30~15:30. 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京東部 > 東京晴空塔及附近景點 > 勝箭祭典.

  4. MIYASHITA PARK / 東京旅遊官方網站GO TOKYO. 東京都澀谷區神宮前 6-20-10. Updated: October 6, 2023. 在澀谷的喧囂中補充元氣,給自己充個電吧. MIYASHITA PARK象征著不斷進步的東京。 於1953年(昭和28年)開設的初始公園於1960年代作為東京首個屋頂公園進行整頓,現在改建為了適合男女老少遊玩的多功能設施。 旅遊指南. 可享受購物,也可在咖啡館休息. 在澀谷區立宮下公園玩滑板或攀岩. 在位於屋頂並充滿綠意的公園放鬆休息. 疲憊的話還可在並設的飯店「sequence MIYASHITA PARK」休息.

  5. 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京都中心 > 秋葉原 > 鳥越祭. 鳥越神社面對著藏前橋通,大約有1360年的歷史。 每年6月的例行大祭典中都會舉辦大神輿渡御(大神轎遶境)活動,許多觀光客都會前來觀賞,氣氛相當熱鬧。 遶境時首先走在神轎前面的是猿田彥(天狗)、手古舞隊伍和小朋友手持五色旗的列隊遊行。 到了夜晚,裝飾著燈籠的神轎會在眾多托燈的引導下進入神社。 鳥越神社的神轎被稱為千貫神轎,重約4公噸,是東京最重的神轎。 於夜晚街頭遶境的隊伍相當壯觀,每年都吸引上萬人參加,為藏前6月份極具地方風情的活動。

  6. 2022年5月20日 · 在品川觀光大使「大耳狗喜拿」的拍照點合影。. 在吸引許多造訪品川區立五反田文化中心的居民目光之處,設置了品川觀光大使「大耳狗喜拿」的造形物,成為一個拍照景點。. 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 網站. 東京南部. 品川・天王洲.