雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2021年2月9日 · The 48-year old photographer has a knack for taking oft-overlooked elements of urban environments, from highways to housing projects and highlighting their beauty by forcing us to look at them in ways we never have. Like this building in Fukuoka that houses an izakaya on the ground level.

  2. 再好的照片也描繪不出這個史詩般的盛況。 你真的應該去相馬,親眼目睹這一壯觀的景象。 對任何想瞭解為什麼武士文化這麼夯的人來說,「相馬野馬追節」肯定是個樂趣十足且不容錯過的節慶活動之一。

  3. 2016年5月31日 · Arnold Genthe (1869–1942) was a German-born photographer who emigrated to San Francisco at the age of 26 and made a name for himself photographing Chinatown, as well as the city’s wealthy socialites. In 1908, Genthe followed his passion for ukiyo-e prints, sparked by a chance meeting with Japanese art scholar Ernest Fenollosa, and traveled to Japan, where he spent six months touring and ...

  4. 日本的花道藝術不只是單純展現植物的美,更多的是透過花道來學習欣賞四季之美,並且學會感恩大自然。

  5. 2019年10月底前歡迎一同前往全日本最高的空中美術館・六本木「森美術館 (Mori Art Museum)」,一探藝術家的千絲萬縷吧。. 旅遊觀光書的時尚首選聖地「六本木之丘 (Roppongi Hills)」,除了逛逛商場裡的名品美食外,也是欣賞藝術作品的首推地點之一。. 「66plaza」廣場 ...

  6. 2017年9月19日 · But now, a team of Japanese researchers at Waseda University, led by Dr. Ishikawa, has utilized artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning to create a program that automatically colorizes photographs. The task was accomplished through the deep learning and color matching of 2.3 million color photographs.

  7. 2020年7月16日 · 如果打算在博多市区逛一整天的话,建议可以参考上面所介绍的行程,实际走起来大约需要3~4小时左右,当然如果想要多一些不一样的体验,不妨也可以租借和服,让照片中的自己变得更加唯美。

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